
Small library that connects to a trello board, downloads all the cards and places them in markdown table

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trelloToMarkdownTable from '';



Small library that connects to a trello board, downloads all the cards and places them in markdown table

| Inbox | OnGoing                                                 | Blocked / Waiting | Completed! |
| :---- | :------------------------------------------------------ | :---------------- | :--------- |
|       | [On Going!]( |                   |            |


  1. Obtains an API token and secret for trello (

  2. Obtain the id of the board you want to have the have (is the id of the board url)

  3. Use the library, check the example but there is not much to say


You can try with the example.js, you would need to set the TRELLO_API and TRELLO_SECRET environment variables and call the script as:

node example.js $BOARD_ID