
Generate a report of the size of your library components after treeshaking and minifying. Gain visibility on the performance/size impact of your library to consumers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import treeshackle from '';



Keep tabs on the size of exports and the tree shake-ability of your library.


To install Treeshackle, run the following in your terminal

$ npm i -S treeshackle

Then run treeshackle --help for information on the commands it provides.


$ treeshackle # In root of library (where your package.json file lives)

NOTE: be sure to compile your library for distribution first. Treeshackle needs your actual library distributables so it can asses your package as if it were a consumer of your library. You should run all your prepublish preparation steps before running treeshackle.

--write, -w

Write out the report to a treeshackle-lock.json file. This should be commited to your version control.

--ci, -c

Generate the report and diff against an existing treeshackle-lock.json file. If any differences are found between the new report and the lock file, then the process will exit with error code 1, and output the differences in the reports.

Perfect for running in your CI if you want to keep an eye on the sizes of your exports after treeshaking.