
Tree utilities

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import treebular from '';


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Treetabular - Tree utilities

treetabular provides tree helpers for Reactabular. It relies on a flat structure like this:

const tree = [
    id: 123,
    name: 'Demo'
    id: 456,
    name: 'Another',
    parent: 123
    id: 789,
    name: 'Yet Another',
    parent: 123
    id: 532,
    name: 'Foobar'

If there's a parent relation, the children must follow their parent right after it.

You can find suggested default styling for the package at style.css in the package root.


import * as tree from 'treetabular';

// Or you can cherry-pick
import { filter } from 'treetabular';
import { filter as filterTree } from 'treetabular';


tree.collapseAll = ({ property = 'showingChildren' }) => (rows) => [<collapsedRow>]

Collapses rows by setting showingChildren of each row to false.

tree.expandAll = ({ property = 'showingChildren' }) => (rows) => [<expandedRow>]

Expands rows by setting showingChildren of each row to true.

tree.filter = ({ fieldName, parentField = 'parent' }) => (rows) => [<filteredRow>]

Filters the given rows using fieldName. This is handy if you want only rows that are visible assuming visibility logic has been defined.


tree.getLevel = ({ index, parentField = 'parent' }) => (rows) => <level>

Returns the nesting level of the row at the given index within rows.

tree.getChildren = ({ index, idField = 'id', parentField = 'parent' }) => (rows) => [<child>]

Returns children based on given rows and index. This includes children of children.

tree.getImmediateChildren = ({ index, idField = 'id', parentField = 'parent' }) => (rows) => [<child>]

Returns immediate children based on given rows and index.

tree.getParents = ({ index, parentField = 'parent' }) => (rows) => [<parent>]

Returns parents based on given rows and index.

tree.hasChildren = ({ index, idField = 'id', parentField = 'parent '}) => (rows) => <boolean>

Returns a boolean based on whether or not the row at the given index has children. = ({ columns, query, idField = 'id', parentField = 'parent' }) => (rows) => [<searchedRow>]

Searches against a tree structure while matching against children too. If children are found, associated parents are returned as well.

This depends on resolve.index!

tree.sort = ({ columns, sortingColumns, strategy, idField = 'id' }) => (rows) => [<sortedRow>]

Sorts a tree (packs/unpacks internally to maintain root level sorting).


tree.pack = ({ parentField = 'parent', childrenField = 'children', idField = 'id' }) => (rows) => [<packedRow>]

Packs children inside root level nodes. This is useful with sorting and filtering.

tree.unpack = ({ parentField = 'parent', childrenField = 'children', idField = 'id', parent }) => (rows) => [<unpackedRow>]

Unpacks children from root level nodes. This is useful with sorting and filtering.

Drag and Drop

tree.moveRows = ({ sourceRowId, targetRowId, retain = [], idField = 'id', parentField = 'parent' }) => (rows) => [<movedRow>]

Allows moving tree rows while retaining given fields at their original rows.


tree.toggleChildren = ({ getRows, getShowingChildren, toggleShowingChildren, props, idField, parentField }) => (value, extra) => <React element>

Makes it possible to toggle node children through a user interface.

This depends on resolve.index!


import React from 'react';
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
import { compose } from 'redux';
import { Table, resolve } from 'reactabular';
import * as tree from 'reactabular-tree';
import VisibilityToggles from 'reactabular-visibility-toggles';
import * as search from 'searchtabular';
import * as sort from 'sortabular';

import {
  generateParents, generateRows
} from './helpers';

const schema = {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    id: {
      type: 'string'
    name: {
      type: 'string'
    age: {
      type: 'integer'
  required: ['id', 'name', 'age']

class TreeTable extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    const columns = this.getColumns();
    const rows = resolve.resolve(
        method: resolve.index
      generateParents(generateRows(100, schema))

    this.state = {
      searchColumn: 'all',
      query: {},
      sortingColumns: null,

    this.onExpandAll = this.onExpandAll.bind(this);
    this.onCollapseAll = this.onCollapseAll.bind(this);
    this.onToggleColumn = this.onToggleColumn.bind(this);
  getColumns() {
    const sortable = sort.sort({
      // Point the transform to your rows. React state can work for this purpose
      // but you can use a state manager as well.
      getSortingColumns: () => this.state.sortingColumns || {},

      // The user requested sorting, adjust the sorting state accordingly.
      // This is a good chance to pass the request through a sorter.
      onSort: selectedColumn => {
        const sortingColumns = sort.byColumns({
          sortingColumns: this.state.sortingColumns,

        this.setState({ sortingColumns });

    return [
        property: 'name',
        props: {
          style: { width: 200 }
        header: {
          label: 'Name',
          transforms: [sortable]
        cell: {
          formatters: [
              getRows: () => this.state.rows,
              getShowingChildren: ({ rowData }) => rowData.showingChildren,
              toggleShowingChildren: rowIndex => {
                const rows = cloneDeep(this.state.rows);

                rows[rowIndex].showingChildren = !rows[rowIndex].showingChildren;

                this.setState({ rows });
              // Inject custom class name per row here etc.
              props: {}
        visible: true
        property: 'age',
        props: {
          style: { width: 300 }
        header: {
          label: 'Age',
          transforms: [sortable]
        visible: true
  render() {
    const {
      searchColumn, columns, sortingColumns, query
    } = this.state;
    const visibleColumns = columns.filter(column => column.visible);
    const rows = compose(
      tree.filter({ fieldName: 'showingChildren' }),
      }),{ columns, query })

    return (

        <button onClick={this.onExpandAll}>Expand all</button>
        <button onClick={this.onCollapseAll}>Collapse all</button>

        <div className="search-container">
            onColumnChange={searchColumn => this.setState({ searchColumn })}
            onChange={query => this.setState({ query })}

          className="pure-table pure-table-striped"
          <Table.Header />

          <Table.Body rows={rows} rowKey="id" />
  onExpandAll() {
      rows: tree.expandAll()(this.state.rows)
  onCollapseAll() {
      rows: tree.collapseAll()(this.state.rows)
  onToggleColumn(columnIndex) {
    const columns = cloneDeep(this.state.columns);

    columns[columnIndex].visible = !columns[columnIndex].visible;

    this.setState({ columns });

<TreeTable />


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