Explore using recurive Map
structure to model paths. This could be useful for multi-argument memoization,
where each argument maps to a "layer" of the recursive map:
const memo = new RecursiveMap(/* key length */ 3);
function expensive(a: object, b: string, c: number): string {
const value = memo.get([a, b, c]);
if (value) return value;
const value2 = compute(a, b, c);
memo.set([a, b, c], compute(a, b, c));
return value2;
Explore if we can make Map
play the same role as object/interface types in typescript, which is to
say, different types per key in the map.
type RecordMap = {
cow: {
petName1: CowVal;
petName2: CowVal;
block: {
[key: string]: BlockVal;
activity: {
[key: string]: ActivityVal;
toad: {
loveleyToad: CowVal;
toadyBlock: BlockVal;
// the RecordMap type (along with depth) determines what key paths can be set
// to what values.
const recordMap = new KeyConstrainedMap<RecordMap, 2>(/* key length */ 2);
// ok:
recordMap.set(["cow", "petName1"], { isCow: true });
// error: { isCow: true} is not block
recordMap.set(["block", "randomid"], { isCow: true });