
Library to display maps using three.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import threeMiniMap from '';



Library to display maps using three.js.

  • Generate 3d geometry from elevation tiles.
  • Smooth connexion between tiles.
  • Choose a map provider who deliver (EPSG:3857) WMTS tiles and add textures to tiles.
Three Mini Map

Live demo

Combins Combins debug Môle Môle debug


if you want to use this library in your three project.

npm install three-mini-map

Examples are located in the examples folder. Each example has defined his own package.json but npm install is not needed. Just execute this command in the root directory. (examples share the same workspace )

If you want to test a Basic Hello World, check the examples/default

git clone
npm install
cd examples/default
npm run dev


import MiniMapManager from "mini-map-manager";

const miniMapManager = new MiniMapManager();

    textureSource: "osm",
    textureZoom: 15,
    center: [6.4751, 46.1024],
    radius: 4,
  .then((map) => {
    let scene = new THREE.Scene();


MiniMapManager class

const miniMapManager = new MiniMapManager(options);

Define custom configuration in the options object.

Key Description Default Value
elevationSource (string) map elevation provider. "terrarium"
elevationSource (obj) custom elevation provider -
zScaleFactor your elevation data is multiplied to this factor 1.6
tileUnits the dimension of each tile in Three 1.0
debug show debug infos in your console. false
dryRun show tiles to load if you want to download them and then work locally false
basementHeight height of the base (in three coords) on which to place the map 0.05

if you want to provide your own elevation provider you can specify configuration in the elevationSource key.

new MiniMapManager({
  elevationSource: {
    url: (z, x, y) =>
    size: 256,
    maxZoom: 15,

miniMapManager instance methods

miniMapManager.getMap(mapOptions).then((map) => {
  // map is a THREE.Group instance

Define custom configuration in the mapOptions object.

Key Description Default Value
textureSource (str) map provider used to texture the tile. "osm"
textureSource (obj) custom map provider -
tileSegments nb of segments used per texture tile to build the geometry. must be a power of 2 (16, 32, 64, 128, 256) 32
textureZoom zoom used to retrieve textures 15
center array containing position of the map [lng, lat] [6.4751, 46.1024]
radius distance in kilometers used to compute the bbox of your map. 1
material an object with the name and options to apply to each tile. set map to false if you don't want texture (or if you want to preview relief data before download big texture data.)
withTexture wether or not we add map texture (from textureSource) to the material true

if you want to provide your own map provider you can specify configuration in the textureSource key.

  textureSource: {
    url: (z, x, y, token) =>
    size: 256,
    token: "YOUR_TOKEN",
  material: {
    name: "MeshLambertMaterial",
    options: {
      wireframe: false,


I load two times the Three Library...

because all Three.js update are minor version change from major version 0. If you do not install the same version of three as three-mini-map in your project your app will load twice three.js

  • Check the version of Three.js installed by three-mini-map and install the same in your project. or
  • Import MiniMapManager from the sources
import MiniMapManager from "three-mini-map/src/MiniMapManager";