
a simple javascript (node.js) library for drawing ascii tables in the terminal and console.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import terminalCharTable from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/terminal-char-table';


📦 terminal-char-table

📌 a simple javascript (node.js) library for drawing ascii tables in the terminal and console.


⚠️Version belows 2.0.0 is deprecated and not recommend to use.


$ npm install terminal-char-table


  • Create a simple char table with default options.
const CharTable = require('terminal-char-table');
let table = new CharTable();

// fill the table row by rows
table.append(['1', 'xxx', 'xxx', ':)', '?']);
table.append(['2', 'xxx', 'xxx']);
table.append(['3', 'xxx', 'xxx', ':3']);
table.append(['10', 'xxx', 'xxx', '', 'owo']);

// this row will be the table header
table.insert(['#', 'column1', 'column2']);

// output table with 1 indentation



Constructor function of CharTable class, An object with optional propertys can be passed in:

  • @string column_align : default alignment of columns, value can be a left or right or center. default left.
  • @number column_fill_length : an integer to specify how many spaces fill into each columns. default 2.
    • bigger value will make the table looks more wider, if alignment is left or right, set this value to 2 or higher is recommended.
  • @boolean column_empty_drawn : specify whether empty columns are drawn. default true.

insert(columns[, align])

Add a new row at the top of the table.

  • @string[] columns : an array of string to build columns of this row left side to right.
  • @string align : columns alignment of this row, value can be a left or right or center.

append(columns[, align])

Add a new row at the bottom of the table.

  • @string[] columns : an array of string to build columns of this row left side to right.
  • @string align : columns alignment of this row, value can be a left or right or center.

from(rows[, align])

Set the table rows from given data.

  • @string[] rows : an array include rows to append, each cell is columns of that row.
  • @string align : columns alignment of each rows, value can be a left or right or center.
// table header
table.append(['#', 'data', 'alignment']);

// 1~3 rows (center alignment)
table.from([['1', '-----', 'center'], ['2', '-----', 'center'], ['3', '-----', 'center']], 'center');

// 4~6 rows (default alignment)
table.from([['4', '-----', 'default'], ['5', '-----', 'default'], ['6', '-----', 'default']]);


Set the table rows from given data.

  • @object[] row_objects : an array of object that include rows to append, each object indicated a single row:
    • @string[] columns : an array of string to build columns of that row left side to right.
    • @string? align : columns alignment of that row, value can be a left or right or center.
        columns: ['#', 'data', 'alignment']
        columns: ['1', '-----', 'left'],
        align: 'left'
        columns: ['2', '-----', 'center'],
        align: 'center'
        columns: ['3', '-----', 'right'],
        align: 'right'


Get printable string lines. an array of string will be returned.

string([left_indentation, first_line_break])

Get printable string. wrapped from lines() method.

  • @number left_indentation : an integer to specify how many spaces filling before each string lines. default 0.
  • @boolean first_line_break : specify whether add a line break before the first line. default false.


Delete all rows in the table.


  • The complete methods and description can be found in module.js
  • More example see test.js and run test using npm test command.