
Request.js is a simple request tool for web applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tdmncoRequest from '';


Request.js NPM Version

What is Request.js?

Request.js is a simple request tool for web applications.

It is used internally at Tidemann&Co for all our web applications that require request-response handling in JavaScript.

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Installation is done via npm:

$ npm install tdmnco-request

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Using Request.js is a breeze. Consider these lines of code:

import Request from 'tdmnco-request'

Request.get({ url: '/users/1' }).then((payload) => {
  // Houston, we have a payload!

Getting Help

We believe in an open and welcoming community for all. Please post your questions in the Issues section here at GitHub or contact Kasper Tidemann directly at

Note that if your question has general relevance, it might be worth sharing with others.

Thanks for reading!
