
Tauque is a zero-configuration JS/TS bundler with serious pulling power. It's up to 100x quicker than Rollup/Webpack with Babel.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tauque from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tauque';


Tauque logo

Tauque (pronounced /tɔːk/, like torque) is a zero-configuration JS/TS bundler with serious pulling power. It uses esbuild under the cover, meaning it transpiles up to 100x quicker than Rollup/Webpack with Babel.


npx install-tauque

Create a dist folder with bundles (no-config needed):

npm run dev

Tauque bundling example

Tauque can bundle

  • JavaScript (with optional transpilation)
  • TypeScript
  • JSX
  • CSS (files and js imports)
  • JSON

Dev mode watching for file changes and running cumulative builds, most taking around 10ms:

Tauque bundling example


Install Tauque on a project that's already set up, and it'll take your entry point from package.json (or try to find it elsewhere) and automatically create a config file that's ready to run.

npx install-tauque

Ready to go!

Tauque is now ready to run. Bundles will be written to the dist folder by default. Run tauque dev mode with:

npm run dev

A single time build can also be run with:

npm run build

Alternative install

You can also Tauque without building config and readme files:

npm install tauque

Config options

A tauque.json config file will automatically be generated when you first install Tauque. This should be placed alongside package.json in your project root.

All config options, with default settings:

// Name of the final file (required)
"name": "packageName"

// Location of the entry point (required)
"source": "src/index.js",

// Package type: "module" (also "esm"); "browser" (also "iife"); "node" (also "cjs"); "all"
"type": "all",

// Global variable name of export in browser/iife packages
"global": "packageName",

// Directory for output package
"outputDir": "dist",

// Directory to watch for changes
"watchDir": "src",

// Target environment, eg: ["es2020", "chrome58", "firefox57", "node12.19.1"]
"target": ["es6"],

// Bundle imports: true, false
"bundle": true,

// Minify package: true, false
"minify": true,

// Generate separate source map file
"sourceMap": true,

// Automatically add environment variables
"useEnvVariables": true,

// Native esbuild settings to pass on (overrides Tauque)
"esbuild": {}  

Note that comments are not allowed in JSON files.

Config examples

A list of tauque.json config examples with the dist folders they create. All unset options inherit the default settings shown above.

Single output config

  "name": "my-package",
  "source": "src/index.js"
- dist/
  ¬ my-package.browser.js
  ¬ my-package.browser.js.map
  ¬ my-package.module.js
  ¬ my-package.module.js.map
  ¬ my-package.node.js
  ¬ my-package.node.js.map

Multiple output config

    "name": "my-iife-package",
    "source": "src/index.js",
    "type": "browser"
    "name": "my-esm-package",
    "source": "src/index.js",
    "type": "module"
- dist/
  ¬ my-iife-package.js
  ¬ my-iife-package.js.map
  ¬ my-esm-package.js
  ¬ my-esm-package.js.map

Multiple input/output config

    "name": "my-client",
    "source": "src/client.js",
    "outputDir": "dist/client",
    "type": "browser"
    "name": "my-server",
    "source": "src/server.js",
    "outputDir": "dist/server",
    "type": "node"
- dist/
  - client/
    ¬ my-client.js
    ¬ my-client.js.map
  - server/
    ¬ my-server.js
    ¬ my-server.js.map

Complex config

    "name": "client",
    "source": "src/client/index.js",
    "outputDir": "build-client",
    "type": "browser",
    "sourcemap": false,
    "minify": false,
    "esbuild": {
      "banner": "/* Package made by CTNicholas */",
      "define": {
        "mode": "debug"
    "name": "client.min",
    "source": "src/client/index.js",
    "outputDir": "build-client",
    "type": "browser"
    "name": "server",
    "source": "src/server.js",
    "outputDir": "build-server",
    "type": "node",
    "sourcemap": false,
    "minify": false,
    "bundle": false
- build-client/
  ¬ client.js
  ¬ client.min.js
  ¬ client.min.js.map
- build-server/
   ¬ server.js