
A StatsD backend for Errplane (

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import statsdErrplaneBackend from '';


StatsD backend for Errplane

To get it up and running do

npm install statsd-errplane-backend

Then add to the Statsd configuration array the backends key:

  backends: ['statsd-errplane-backend']

You'll need an errplane account. Add an errplane configuration block to your statsd config:

  apiKey can be found at
  applicationId can be found at
  environment usually either production, staging, or development
  includeHostSuffix when set to true will add /<host> to the metric names. Do this if you're 
    running statsd on each host and want to see stats on a per host basis in addition to all together
errplane: {
  apiKey: "...",
  applicationId: "...",
  environment: "production",
  includeHostSuffix: false