
A CLI for doing random stuff with Squarespace.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import squarespaceCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/squarespace-cli';


Squarespace CLI

Note: This project is a WIP.

A node CLI client for working with Squarespace

Project Overview

This project aims to provide some awesome Squarespace functionality from the command line.


npm i -g squarespace-cli

sqs -h


Export Content

Export a Squarespace page.

Bulk exporting is on the way.

The CLI will export to your current working path. Run pwd in terminal to see your working directory.

# export a page in JSON
sqs export https://blog.squarespace.com

# export a page in HTML
sqs export https://blog.squarespace.com -f html

# export a page in JSON with filename foo.json
sqs export https://blog.squarespace.com --filename foo.json

Export Sitemap

Export your sitemap in various formats..

# export full sitemap in xml
sqs export-sitemap https://blog.squarespace.com

# export ful sitemap in json
sqs export-sitemap https://blog.squarespace.com -f json

# export sitemap urls in plain text
sqs export-sitemap https://blog.squarespace.com -f text

Create a Squarespace Website

Create a new Base Template website.

This is a work in progress. I'm having issues with the cookie crumb authentication.

# create a new base template website
sqs create-site

Authentication and Credential Storage

The CLI will prompt for your Squarespace credentials depending on your command. The CLI stores your credentials in your operating system's local keychain via node-keytar and uses them to perform authenticated requests to Squarespace's API endpoints.

Save Credentials During an Authenticated Request

Using flag --save during a command that requires authentication will trigger credential storage.

Delete Stored Credentials

To remove stored credentials, simply run the following command.

# delete stored credentials


  • Bulk export.
  • Parse sitemap. Chain to export.
  • Get site info.
  • Improved logging.
  • Lots of other cool stuff :)


I'm largely using ES6/ES7, so this project may not work on older versions of Node.js. 6.0+ ftw :-D.