
cli tool offering features useful when auditing solidity smart contracts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import soljitsu from '';



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Soljitsu is a cli tool offering 2 features useful when auditing solidity smart contracts: flatten + combine.

Tested on MacOS, Ubuntu


There are various tools to perform automated testing of smart contracts each with their own requirements. When manually reviewing smart contracts the separate locations of project files and dependency files can increase the time needed to go through all the source code used by a smart contract. To address these requirements/difficulties this tool provides 2 features.

Feature: flatten

Some tools are unable to use with installed dependencies and require all solidity files to be in the same folder (using only relative imports: ./*.sol ../*.sol). Besides that it is also very cumbersome to view the source code of dependencies, since you can either look online (GitHub) or in the node_modules/installed_contracts folders.

To solve these problems we could use this tool to flatten the project source code files, meaning:

  • copy all used files of dependencies (recursively) from the node_modules/installed_contracts folder
  • get rid of all (nested) folders inside the contracts folder
  • for each dependency file coming from node_modules/installed_contracts place a comment at the top with the module version
  • update the import statements in all files to point to the new flattened solidity files
  • rename the files by replacing folder separators (/) with a dot (.)

Feature: combine

Some tools require all solidity code in 1 file, meaning no import statements. Having all code in 1 file could also be useful when manually reviewing.

To address the above we could use this tool to combine all dependencies of project source code files, meaning per file inside contracts (and it's subdirectories):

  • retrieve all dependencies (recursively) and concatenate them in the right order dependency-wise
  • get rid of all (nested) folders inside the contracts folder
  • place a comment at the top for each used node_modules/installed_contracts dependency stating the used version
  • remove all import statements
  • use the lowest found solidity version (from the pragma line) and use that for the new file
  • name the new file by replacing folder separators (/) with a dot (.)


  • supports both NPM and EthPM dependencies
  • cannot yet handle npm dependencies which themselves depend on other npm dependencies (#1)


node version >= 8.0.0


npm install -g soljitsu


  soljitsu       cli tool offering solidity file tools

  flatten        flatten all (dependencies of) solidity files found in the source directory
  combine        combine all dependencies of each solidity file found in the source directory

  soljitsu flatten --src-dir=dirPath --dest-dir=dirPath [--npm-dir=dirPath --ethnpm-dir=dirPath]
  soljitsu flatten  --truffle=dirPath --dest-dir=dirPath
  soljitsu combine --src-dir=dirPath --dest-dir=dirPath [--npm-dir=dirPath --ethpm-dir=dirPath]
  soljitsu combine  --truffle=dirPath --dest-dir=dirPath

  --truffle      path of truffle project (only when not specifying --src-dir)
  --src-dir      path of source contracts directory (only when not specifying --truffle)
  --dest-dir     path of the directory to write the result solidity files to

  --npm-dir      path of the directory with the NPM dependencies
                 only used with --src-dir
  --ethpm-dir      path of the directory with the EthPM dependencies
                 only used with --src-dir

  soljitsu flatten --src-dir=./contracts --npm-dir=./node_modules --dest-dir=./out
  soljitsu flatten --truffle=./my-truffle-project --dest-dir=./out
  soljitsu combine --src-dir=./contracts --npm-dir=./node_modules --dest-dir=./out
  soljitsu combine --truffle=./my-truffle-project --dest-dir=./out

To display help (the above shown excerpt) type: soljitsu.


Given a project with the following folder structure:

├── contracts
│   ├── ContractX.sol
│   └── sub
│       └── ContractY.sol
└── node_modules
    └── zeppelin-solidity  <-- version=1.4.0
        └── ...

With the file's content being:


pragma solidity ^0.4.19;

import "./sub/ContractY.sol";

contract ContractX {
  // ...


pragma solidity ^0.4.19;

import "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Pausable.sol";

contract ContractY is Pausable {
  // ...


Executing soljitsu flatten --src-dir=./contracts --dest-dir=./out --npm-dir=./node_modules will create:

└── out
    ├── ContractX.sol
    ├── sub.ContractY.sol
    ├── zeppelin-solidity.contracts.lifecycle.Pausable.sol
    └── zeppelin-solidity.contracts.ownership.Ownable.sol

with the file's content being:


pragma solidity ^0.4.19;

import "./sub.ContractY.sol";

contract ContractX {
  // ...


pragma solidity ^0.4.19;

import "./zeppelin-solidity.contracts.ownership.Pausable.sol";

contract ContractY is Pausable {
  // ...


pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

// zeppelin-solidity@1.4.0 from NPM

import "./zeppelin-solidity.contracts.ownership.Ownable.sol";

contract Pausable is Ownable {
  // ...


pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

// zeppelin-solidity@1.4.0 from NPM

contract Ownable {
  // ...


Executing soljitsu combine --src-dir=./contracts --dest-dir=./out --npm-dir=./node_modules will create:

└── out
    ├── ContractX.sol
    └── sub.ContractY.sol

with the file's content being:


pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

// zeppelin-solidity@1.4.0 from NPM

contract Ownable {
  // ...

contract Pausable is Ownable {
  // ...

contract ContractY is Pausable {
  // ...

contract ContractX {
  // ...


pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

// zeppelin-solidity@1.4.0 from NPM

contract Ownable {
  // ...

contract Pausable is Ownable {
  // ...

contract ContractY is Pausable {
  // ...


npm test
