
A solidus-sdk plugin that adds support for the solidus_braintree gem

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solidusPluginBraintree from '';



A solidus-sdk plugin that adds support for the solidus_braintree gem.

Before You Get Started

You should have the solidus_braintree gem installed on your instance of Solidus already. If you don't, then get it setup first before you continue.

You should also have solidus-sdk installed and ready to go as well.


yarn install solidus-plugin-braintree

Then whenever you initialize a new instance of the solidus-sdk, you can include the plugin like so:

import { Solidus } from 'solidus-sdk'
import solidusBraintreePlugin from 'solidus-plugin-braintree'

const instance = new Solidus({
  href: '',

  // Add the plugin here:
  plugins: [


All examples below assume the instance of solidus-sdk was initialized as above:

Generate a payment client token

[POST] /api/payment_client_token

Generates a new payment client token.

instance.payment().clientToken({ paymentMethodId: id })