
Documentation generator for Solidity smart contracts.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solidityDocgen from '';



solidity-docgen is a program that extracts documentation for a Solidity project.

The output is fully configurable through Handlebars templates, but the default templates should do a good job of displaying all of the information in the source code in Markdown format. The generated Markdown files can be used with a static site generator such as Vuepress, MkDocs, Jekyll (GitHub Pages), etc., in order to publish a documentation website.


Install solidity-docgen@next from npm.


Include the plugin in your Hardhat configuration.

 // hardhat.config.ts
+import 'solidity-docgen';

 export default {
+  docgen: { ... }, // if necessary to customize config

Then run with hardhat docgen.

As a library

import { docgen } from 'solidity-docgen';

await docgen([{ output: solcOutput }], config);

solcOutput must be the standard JSON output of the compiler, with at least the ast output. There can be more than one.

config is an optional object with the values as specified below.


See config.ts for the list of options and their documentation.