A mobile first responsive grid system for the rapid development of mobile friendly websites.
1. Download the files
Download the zip folder, extract the files and copy the stylesheets in to your project folder.
2. Viewport scale
Add the following meta tag to your HTML�s <head>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
Without this meta tag mobile devices may not resize the content to the actual view port width
3. Link the stylesheets
Add the grid stylesheet:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="grid.min.css">
Add the base stylesheet
<link rel="stylesheet" href="base.min.css">
Alteratively add the combined stylesheet that includes both the grid and the base styles
<link rel="stylesheet" href="combined.min.css">
4. Code
Everythings ready to go, start designing your webiste using Solid Grid
Solid Grid is built with {less} which allows you to easily customise the stylesheets to suit your sites requirements, you can find out more about {less} over at their website.