User Interface widgets and utilities for Solid
These are HTML5 widgets which connect to a solid store. Building blocks for solid-based apps.
Getting started
In npm-based projects
When including solid-ui in an npm-based project, you can use it with:
import { ns, rdf, acl, aclControl, authn, create, dom, icons, log, matrix, media,
messageArea, infiniteMessageArea, pad, preferences, store, style, table, tabs, utils, widgets, versionInfo
} from 'solid-ui'
Directly in a webpage
Clone this repo, and in the repo root run:
npm install
npm run build
This will generate a lib/
folder containing, among other artifacts, lib/webpack-bundle.js
Now run npx serve
and go to http://localhost:5000/examples/ with your browser to see some examples.
See the 'examples' folder for the
source code of those examples.
While viewing one of those examples, you can open the web console in your browser and for instance try how you can create a button:
const solidLogo = ''
const myButton = UI.widgets.button(document, solidLogo, 'test', () => window.alert('clicked!'))
Or a chat widget:
const chatChannel = ''
const chat = UI.infiniteMessageArea(document,, UI.rdf.namedNode(chatChannel))
Or a full ACL Control Box:
const exampleFolder = ''
const aclControlBox = UI.aclControl.ACLControlBox5(UI.rdf.namedNode(exampleFolder), { dom: document }, '',
- talk presentation
- API for the API documentation.
- The UI components are presented in a storybook.
This has been a place to put any functionality from solid views which has been generalized to be usable in other views.
Authentication UI: manage the user's logged in/out state.
Discovery: finding the user's stuff, and leaving records of new things
Preferences: UI for managing a user's preferences with two axes of defaults
An Access Control List widget for Solid ACL system
Acess Control Logic
Create a new object from modules/extensions which have registered their ability to create things
A form system: Forms are defined in RDF, and create/edit RDF data, including form definitions
A collection of shortcut namespace objects for a selection of relevant RDF vocabularies.
Small atomic widgets (buttons etc) of which the others are constructed.
An error message panel
Some of the larger controls include:
- A chat widget: add discussion to any object. Infinite scroll, embedded images, social reactions, etc etc
- A people picker widget for choosing a set of people or an existing group
- A general purpose table display with built-in faceted browsing
- A two-dimentional matrix of editable live data that extends in both dimensions.
- A notepad of shared notes for real-time collaboration
- Drag and drop code for linking things and uploading files
- A set of tabs for holding other widgets and arbitrary UI elements
The typical style of the widgets is to know what data it has been derived from, allow users to edit it, and to automatically sync with data as it changes in the future. To see how these are used, see the panes which use them within the data browser.
The level of support for this varies.
See also: A short introduction to the Form system
Contributions of bug fixes and new functionality, documentation, and tests are always appreciated.
When developing a component in solid-ui you can test it in isolation using storybook
npm run build
npm run storybook
If there is no story for the component yet, add a new one to ./src/stories
When you want to test the component within a solid-pane, you can use the development mode of solid-panes or mashlib-dev.