
.. Design

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solhanfrontendboilerplate from '';


Table of Contents

  1. Dependencies
  2. Build
  3. Server
    1. Local URLs
    2. Options
  4. Assets
    1. Fonts
    2. Images
    3. Media
  5. Scripts
  6. Styles
    1. Pug Structure


Run: npm cache clear && npm i && bower cache clean && bower install

Note: Before you can install Web Start Kit dependencies, you will need to install Gulp, Node, NPM, and Bower.

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Generate a fresh build of your project. Task will run several individual tasks on files within ./src and then output them to ./build.

Run: gulp build


Start a local dev server. Additionally, gulp will watch for any changes to files and reload browser while server is running.

Run: gulp server

Local URLs

  • Local - http://localhost:3000
  • UI - Set to false by default


You can modify port, proxy, and many other settings in ./gulpfile.babel.js. For more information about BrowserSync go to

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Run several individual tasks to copy static files from ./src to ./build.

Run: gulp assets


Copy font files to ./build/fonts.

Run: gulp fonts


Copy images to ./build/images. As a personal preference Web Starter Kit doesn't use automated image optimization. It is strongly recommended to use services like TinyPNG and TinyJPG to optimize images manually.

Run: gulp images


Run a series of sub-tasks to generate final JavaScript files. See ./gulpfile.babel.js for reference.

Note: Each file on the root of ./src/scripts will be compiled to its own file in ./build/scripts. Each file can have own includes, just like Sass with @import functionality. See ./src/scripts/main.js as an example.

Run: gulp scripts

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Run a series of sub-tasks to generate final CSS files. See ./gulpfile.babel.js for reference.

Note: Each file on the root of ./src/styles will be compiled to its own file in ./build/styles.

Run: gulp styles


Run a series of sub-tasks to generate final HTML files. See ./gulpfile.babel.js for reference.

Run: gulp views

Pug Structure

Web Starter Kit follows an opinionated directory structure. To learn more about Pug go to