
If you have any questions or want to contribute please contact me at

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import softpack from '';



If you have any questions or want to contribute please contact me at

Note: This module uses anymatch and has Bash-parity, please be aware that Windows-style backslashes are not supported as separators. See for more information.

Usage without Installation

npx softpack --server


npx softpack --build


npm install softpack or npm install softpack -g

cli usage

Create a config file

softpack --boilerplate config and save output as softpack.config.js or where you want it if you use api instead of cli

Create boilerplate code

type softpack --boilerplate to see availeble boilerpaltes

use like softpack --boilerplate {boilerplateName} and save output where you want it

Create boilerplate code

type softpack --boilerplate to see availeble boilerpaltes

use like softpack --boilerplate {boilerplateName} > myFile.js

Run server

softpack --server

Run build process

softpack --build

API usage

Softpack takes a configuration to perform function/s on the given context of files that where registered through an regEx.

a small starter script could look like this:

var softpack = require('softpack');
var path = require('path');
var nodeSass = require('node-sass');

  dist: 'dist',
  src: 'src',
  rootPath: path.resolve(__dirname),
      test: '**/*.scss'
      render: [
        function(context, objectData, yourSoftPackConfig) {
          return nodeSass.renderSync({
              file: objectData.fullPath,
              outputStyle: "expanded"

this would watch all files in your project with the extension '.scss' and compile it to css files

every render or init function will get three parameters.

  • context of current processed file
  • object of current processed file
  • configuration passed to softpack

It comes with two function.

var softpack = require('softpack');
var path = require('path');

var config = {
  rootPath: path.resolve(__dirname),
/* run developement server */
/* run build process */;

config options:

name type optional description
BUILD boolean no will be set by softpack on build and server start
start function yes perform a function on server / build start. gets the config as only parameter
end function yes perform a function on server / build end. gets the config as only parameter
src string yes defines the source directory to read / compile served files. 'src' by default
dist string yes defines the distrubution directory to write files on build. 'dist' by default
rootPath string no absolute path to directory where src directory is
ignore array yes list of files or directory to ignore. glob or regEx
socketCallbacks object yes object with [key]:function format. can be emitted by frontend like. needs socketLoad to be true on served file
log object yes configures the output. see more
actions array yes list of objects with configurations. see more

log parameter:

name type default description
change boolean false output when watched file was changed
serve boolean false output when file was served
add boolean true output when file was added to watcher
delete boolean true output when file was deleted

actions object parameter:

| name | type | optional | description | | -- | --- | --- | --- | | test | string | no | glob or regEx used to match files | | fileName | string | yes | relative path with filename that is used to request file on serve and save on build. [path] is replaced with relative path or current file and [name] is replace with filename of current file (without extension) | | buildName | string | yes | will bundle matched files | | init | array | yes | array of functions that will execute when file is added to watcher or did change. get three parameter (context , current object, complete config) | | render | array | yes | array of functions that will execute when file is requested. get three parameter (context , current object, complete config). should modify the context. must have a return. will also apply on bundle if bundleName is set | | renderEach | array | yes | array of functions that will execute on each matched file before added to bundle. should modify the context. must have a return. | | socketLoad | boolean | yes | will add snippet to enable socketCallbacks and auto reload on file changes | | keep | boolean | yes | will keep file on build |

example config:

var config = {
  start: function(c) {
    if(c.BUILD) {
      console.log("starting build process")
    } else {
      console.log("starting server")
  end: function(c) {
    if(c.BUILD) {
      console.log("finished build process")
    } else {
      console.log("server ready")
  src: 'src',
  dist: 'dist',
  rootPath: path.resolve(__dirname),
  ignore: [
    /** ignores all */
    /** ignores all exept js files */
    /** ignores all js files */
    /** ignores all scss files beginning with `_` */
  socketCallbacks: {
    log: function (msg) {
    foo: function (o) {
      console.log("foo is emitted with", o.msg)
  log: {
    change: true,
    serve: true,
    add: true,
    delete: true,
  actions: [
      test: "**/*.hbs",
      init: [
        // iniFunction
      test: "js/**/*.js",
      bundleName: "js/main.js",
      render: [
        // renderFunction
      test: "**/*.scss",
      bundleName: "css/main.css",
      renderEach: [
        // renderEachFunction
      test: "**/*.html",
      fileName: "[path]/[name].html",
      socketLoad: true,
      render: [
        // renderFunction

the softpack.server and function take the same configuration

socketCallbacks example:

socketCallbacks: {
    log: function(msg) {
    foo: function(o) {
        console.log("foo is emitted with", o.msg)

and on frontend

socket.emit("log", "hello server")
socket.emit("foo", {
 msg: "hello foo!"   

the diffrence between the functions inside the init array and the render array are that the functions inside the init array will execute once a file was added to the watcher or changed and the functions inside the render array are executed when the file is requested through the fileName path. Render functions must return a context.

when setting the fileName you can add [path] and [name]. [path] will be replaced with the relative path of current processed file. [name]is replaced with the name of the current processed file, but without file extension.

init function example:

var handlebars = require('handlebars');
var hbsRenderer = function (context, config) {
    return handlebars.compile(context)({})

When hbsRenderer is now applied to an render array it will perform the handlebars compile function, add {} as the templates context and return the compiled string. Obviously you would most likely add some more data than {}, but thats up to you.

render function example:

var path = require('path');
var handlebars = require('handlebars');
var registerHbsPartial = function(context, config) {
    handlebars.registerPartial(config.fileName.replace(path.extname(config.fileName), ''), context)

here we would for example register path/to/my/partials/person.hbs as person