
Interfaces and template implementation of the SOFIE project's interledger smart contracts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sofieInterledgerContracts from '';


Interledger Solidity smart contracts


You can simply install dependencies with the command below:

$ npm install

NodeJS 5.0+ is recommended for the installation of Truffle.


You can compile the contracts with the following command:

$ npx truffle compile

It will create the required json files within the build directory.

You might need to remove the previous build directory beforehand:

$ rm -r build/


Then you can run migration files using the below command:

$ npx truffle migrate


Finally you can run tests using truffle internal network using the following command:

$ npx truffle test

Also, you can run tests using external networks (e.g ganache) using the following command:

$ npx truffle test --network ganache 

Please check the truffle-config.js file for more information about network setting.