SocketBus JavaScript Client
Getting Started
- Install the client
npm install socketbus-js --save
Create a SocketBus instance
import SocketBus from 'socketbus-js';
const socketBus = new SocketBus({
// SocketBus' public key
app_id: 'my-public-key',
// Endpoint to authenticate channels
authEndpoint: '/channels/auth',
// Application namespace
namespace: '',
// User id to be able to send event to all but the sender
user_id: null,
// Event fired on Connect
onConnect: () => {
// Function to parse all registred events
formatEventName: (event, options) => {
Laravel Echo
import { SocketBusLaravel } from "socketbus-js";
import LaravelEcho from "laravel-echo";
window.Echo = SocketBusLaravel(LaravelEcho, {
app_id: 'my-app-id'
.listen('NewFoodEvent', (payload) => {
// code
Joining Channels
const foodsChannel = socketBus.private('foods')
.listen('new-food', (payload) => { /** callback */ })
.listen('food-status', (payload) => { /** callback */ })
Leaving Channels
End-to-end encryption
Socket-to-socket communication
foodsChannel.emit('new-food', {
food: 'cupcake'
Whispers are messages up to 128 bytes, that doesn't require Socket-to-socket communication to be enabled.
foodsChannel.whisper('food-status', 'hot');