
MongoDB simple wrapper, Provide simple method in chinese to handle the mongodb.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snoMongoKu from '';


snoMongoKu (雪芒)

sno-mongo-ku (雪芒) is a wrapper to official mongodb driver, provide simple method in chinese to handle the mongodb. Provide db.$collectionName.$method() rather than the official db.collection('$collectionName').$method().

Just have fun with chinese programming ~


npm i sno-mongo-ku

1. Insert and print

These examples have the same purpose:

  1. clean db
  2. insert a log
  3. print it out.
import snoMongoKu from 'sno-mongo-ku'
const db = await snoMongoKu('mongodb://localhost:27017/test-snomongoku')
await db.logs.drop()
await db.logs.insertOne({ createdAt: new Date(), content: 'test/(20210304)' })
console.table( await db.logs.find().toArray() )
await db._client.close() // optional
import snoMongoKu from 'sno-mongo-ku'
const db = await snoMongoKu('mongodb://localhost:27017/测试-雪芒果库')
await db.日志.销毁()
await db.日志.单增({ 创建于: new Date(), 内容: '测试/(20210304)' })
console.table( await db.日志.多查列() )
await db._client.close() // optional

2. upsert

import snoMongoKu from 'sno-mongo-ku'
const db = await snoMongoKu('mongodb://localhost:27017/test-snomongoku')
await db.logs.drop()
await db.logs.upsertOne({_id: 'test', createdAt: new Date(), content: 'test/(20210304)' })
console.table( await db.logs.find().toArray() )
await db._client.close() // optional

import snoMongoKu from 'sno-mongo-ku'
const db = await snoMongoKu('mongodb://localhost:27017/测试-雪芒果库')
await db.日志.销毁()
await db.日志.单增改({_id: 'test', 创建于: new Date(), 内容: '测试/(20210304)' })
console.table( await db.日志.多查列() )
await db._client.close() // optional

3. 并行各改

import snoMongoKu from 'sno-mongo-ku'
const db = await snoMongoKu('mongodb://localhost:27017/测试-雪芒果库')
await db.日志.并行各改((日志)=>({$inc: 1}), {$match: {}})
console.table( await db.日志.多查列() )

4. More...

The db._ you have got is just a alias of client.db.collection($), which supports all MongoDB driver's collection methods, feel free to play with it.

For further usages, you can simply type db._ and press ctrl + space on vscode to view how to use them on below.

Methods: 单增 单删 单改 单查 单查替 单查改 单查删 单补 单增改 upsertOne 多增 多删 多改 多查 多查数 多查列 多补 多增改 upsertMany 聚合 索引 索引删 复索引 复索引删 状态 数量估计 监视 改名 名称 去重 销毁

Just like this: ctrl+space
