
Convenient error logging for uncaught exceptions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sneezeErrors from '';



Checkout github for different versions depending on your needs.


Options - Sneeze only takes a few options

  • url - the url you want to post the error information
  • context - the context in which you want to run your wrapped functions or callbacks, defaults to the Sneeze object
  • data - any extra data that you want to send when logging an error. Can be a function and will be executed in the context of the context option.
  • onError - a callback to execute when an error does occur, does not wait for the asynchronous logging to finish


  • Sneeze.listen([options]) - Binds an error handler to the window object and logs errors to the url option or default url
  • Sneeze.catch(fn, [options]) - Runs a block of code 'fn' and logs any errors using the options or default options provided
  • Sneeze.wrapTryCatch(fn,[options]) - Returns a function that will execute fn in the context of options.context and log any errors if/when they occur. Good for anonymous or asynchronous callback functions
  • Sneeze.configure([options]) - Override global default configurations by passing in the options here