
Handling service based roles and permissions on SPA frontend

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snappAuthProxy from '';



This module is used as an internal front end package that allows us to authenticate to our global authentication micro service.

Should I use it ?

For now, snapp-auth-proxy is highly dependent to our closed-source authentication micro service. We may consider open sourcing it in the future.


npm install --save snapp-auth-proxy or yarn add snapp-auth-proxy


First thing you need to do is set the server URL by doing;

import { Config } from 'snapp-auth-proxy';

Config.url = ''

Once you've done that, you will be able to call the following classes and methods

Define the authenticator

You must define the user and keep the reference to it among your app's lifecycle

import { Authentication } from 'snapp-auth-proxy';
const user = new Authentication(); // Keep a reference to the user variable

Authenticate a user

await user.authenticate('', 'yourpassword');
// returns true/false

Check if a user is logged in

await user.isAuthenticated();
// returns true/false

Disconnect a user


Get current users's permissions

// returns an array of actions authorized, for instance: ['', '']

Check if user is authorized to do specific actions

// returns true/false

Check if user can do any of an array of actions

This method is useful to provide access to different types of users. For example, viewing a post in you blog app might be authorized to people who can manage.posts, manage.everything, or just

// You can also check authorization again an array of permissions

Get HTTP headers for current user



npm install

Run test

npm test

Build for production

npm run build