Snake Render Engine
Snake Render Engine is a 2D render engine based on webgl with a functional API analog to the one of the well known react UI library. It also supports jsx syntax and is component based.
Gettings started
Here is a minimal example that highlights how to run it.
// In order to define components we need to import SRE
import SRE, { initRenderer, initWithRenderer, Rect } from "sre";
// Get the host canvas where the engine will run
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const height = canvas.height;
const width = canvas.width;
const gl = canvas.getContext("webgl");
const render = initRenderer({ gl, width, height });
const run = initWithRenderer(canvas, render);
// Define a Scene Node that renders a simple rect and logs click events
const Scene = () => (
<Rect x={320} y={200} z={0} width={640} height={100} onClick={console.log} />
// Start it
run(<Scene />);
Demos are available here : demos