Template used for creating new websites, using Webkit, Twig, Typescript and our Module Template System
The 2 base things in this templating system is [[Component]] and [[ComponentNode]]
Every DOM element with the attribute "data-module" will have an Instance of [[ComponentNode]] wrapped around it. And that Instance, containing references to the [[Component]]'s on that DOM element.
A DOM element can only ever have one ComponentNode, but can have multiple Component's on it.
<div data-module="CompOne, CompTwo, CompThree"></div>
This would create a ComponentNode and three modules all extending [[Component]]'s.
In the root folder run:
npm install
composer install
Install MaMP Pro and run a localhost on the app/ folder.
Create a .env file in the root folder and copy paste the settings from .env.defaults
Make sure the HOST and PORT in the .env is set to localhost created by MaMP
To start the server, run:
npm start
In case you are working on multiple projects using Node. Remember, you can only ever have one node server running at a time, Try:
sudo killall node
start the node server:
npm start
Compile a release build:
npm run build
Compile Docs:
npm run docs
Create new Module setup with .scss .html.twig and .tsx:
plop [[ModuleName]]