
Command line tooling for sense NET ECM client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snClientCli from '';



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This package is a command line tool for the sensenet ECM's Client Library.


This package is under development and not released yet.



You can install the latest version with NPM into your project dependencies

$ npm install sn-client-cli --save

Or you can install it globaly

$ npm install sn-client-cli -g


From the command line you can run from the project directory

 $ .\node_modules\.bin\sn-client [command] --[options]

or from the global installation

$ sn-client [command] --[options]

Available commands

init - Creates an initial 'sn.config.js' in your project root. You can use this providing default configuration options to the CLI.

fetch-types - If you have customized your sensenet ECM repository with custom content types, you can use this command to get the generated TypeScript classes and refresh the built-in ones in sn-client-js package from a specified repository.

help - Displays a help screen about the CLI with the available commands and options