
## TODO: - [ ] Clean up the code. - [ ] Write up some more documentation - [ ] Create a demo page to test functionality against - [ ] Unit and functional tests - [ ] Allow for custom animation functions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smoothScrollToJs from '';


Smooth Scroll To JS


  • [ ] Clean up the code.
  • [ ] Write up some more documentation
  • [ ] Create a demo page to test functionality against
  • [ ] Unit and functional tests
  • [ ] Allow for custom animation functions




to - required

The destination Dom Node to which the container must scroll.

container - [window]

The scrollable container. Its scroll position will be animationed by smoothScrollTo

duration - [20]

The duration of the animation in number of steps. 1 is instant.

data - [true]

An object that will be returned when the animation ends