
A very smol database

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smoldb from '';



Smol is a smol database library, which lets you set up a local db (basically just a glorified JSON file) and read and modify the data stored in it


To install Smol simply type in your console

npm i smol --save

At this point you can require smol in your code:

const smol = require('smol')

And then just go wild!


After you require Smol, you'll need to create and initialize your db object:

const smol = require('smol')
let db = new smol.db('myCoolDatabase').init()

At this point you can start storing data in it (these operations can be done both sincronously and asyncronously, through set):

db.setSync('/users/john', 'John Doe')

/* or
db.set('/users/john', 'John Doe').then(data => ...)

The result will be

  users: {'John': 'John Doe'}

To read the data stored in the db you can use the readSync (or the async read) function, which works just the same way:

let john = db.readSync('/users/john') // john = 'John Doe'

/* or'/users/john').then(john => ...)