
This document is currently a WIP and contains errors & omissions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartPodcastWidget from '';


This document is currently a WIP and contains errors & omissions


Make it easy for people to subscribe and rate your podcast

  • Adapts depending on the user's device, so they always see the right apps & links for them.
  • Embeds into your existing website, or as its own page/microsite.
  • Clear instructions to help users leave ratings & reviews across podcast platforms.
  • Works on all modern browsers - desktop & mobile.

Try it now | Copy the code alt text | Remix on Glitch

Try it now | Copy the code alt text | Remix on Glitch

Quick Start

Embed in your website

  1. ✅  Paste this in your page wherever you want the widget to appear:

    Using Wordpress? Paste this code into a 'Custom HTML' block.

<div id="podcast-widget"></div>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  // 2. ✅ Add your podcast's links here & delete any you don't want to use: 
    'website': '',
    'podchaser': '',
    'podcast-addict': '',
    'castbox': '',
    'apple-podcasts-mobile': '',
    'spotify-mobile': '',
    'spotify-desktop': '',
    'acast': '',
    'stitcher': '',
    'pocket-casts': '',
    'tunein': '',
    'podbean': '',
    'deezer': '',
    'google-podcasts': '',
    'iheart-radio': '',
    'rss': ''
    // 3. ✅ Customise the appearance (see the examples & docs for more options)
    title: "Podcast Name Here",
    subtitle: "This is a short description of the podcast, it should fit in a couple of lines.",
    defaultAction: 'subscribe', // Can also be 'rate'

See the full code for this example, or Remix it on Glitch.

You can customise nearly everything in the widget - see the Examples and Documentation.

Add as a standalone page

Copy the Standalone Page example or use the Embedded code above, but with standalone: true, e.g:

  standalone: true, // ✅ Set this to true 
  title: "Podcast Name Here",
  subtitle: "This is a short description of the podcast, it should fit in a couple of lines.",
  defaultAction: 'subscribe' 

You can customise nearly everything in the widget - see the Examples and Documentation.


These examples show how you can customise appearance & content of the widget. See the Documentation for detailed information.

All of these examples are available to remix on Glitch.

Embedded in a page

As a Standalone page

The Embedded examples above will also work in Standalone mode providing standalone: true is set as a theme parameter.

Run the examples locally

Clone or download this repository then run:

  npm install
  npm run start

and visit http://localhost:8888/examples


Take a look at the all parameters example to see the options detailed below, or remix the example on Glitch to try it out now. There are more examples in the Examples section.


The widget will only be shown once the PodcastRedirectWidget function is called. Currently there is no way to change parameters after initialisation.

PodcastRedirectWidget(Urls*, Theme*, SocialLinks, PriorityApps, ElementId) accepts 5 parameters:

Parameter name Required (*)? Description
Urls Yes URLs for the app & website listings associated with your podcast
Theme Yes Custom theming options that will override the default settings
SocialLinks No Social URLs associated with your podcast, e.g. twitter, facebook, your website
PriorityApps No Specifies which apps should always shown full size in the widget, as well as the order of the apps
ElementId No The ID of the element that should contain the widget (by default #podcast-widget)

Urls (required*)

An object containing the various app & website listing URLs of your podcast as key-value pairs.

Keys/property names must exactly match one of:

  'website': '',
  'podchaser': '',
  'podcast-addict': '',
  'castbox': '',
  'apple-podcasts-mobile': '',
  'spotify-mobile': '',
  'spotify-desktop': '',
  'acast': '',
  'stitcher': '',
  'pocket-casts': '',
  'tunein': '',
  'podbean': '',
  'deezer': '',
  'google-podcasts': '',
  'iheart-radio': '',
  'rss': 'xxx'

If you don't want to show a particular app, just delete the line or set it to an empty string, e.g.:

'deezer': '' // This will not be shown

Theme (required*)

Customise the content & look of the widget with these properties:

Property name Type Default Description

SocialLinks (optional)

An object containing your the social URLs associated with your podcast as key-value pairs.

Keys/property names must exactly match one of:

  website: '',
  instagram: '',
  email: '',
  facebook: ''

PriorityApps (optional)

A list of app IDs specifying which apps should be shown full size in the widget, as well as the order of the apps. IDs must exactly match a key from the Urls parameter.

By default PriorityApps is:


Priority apps will be shown in the full size slots (i.e. with a Subscribe/Rate button) rather than just as icons. If there are more priority apps than the value specified by theme.numPrimaryApps then the excess apps will be added to the start of the icon only list.

The order of PriorityApps determines the order of apps shown in the visual list.

If an app is not available on a given device, then it will never be shown to a user on that device. For example, the iOS only app apple-podcasts-mobile will never be shown to an Android user, even though it is in the priority list.

ElementId (optional)

The ID of an existing page element that will be used as the container of the widget when it is injected, by default this is #podcast-widget.

If an element matching ElementId cannot be found in the page when PodcastRedirectWidget() is called, the widget will not appear and an error will output to the console.


See the Events example. The root widget container element produces the following events:

Name Description
app-choice (appId) Fires when the user first clicks on an app to access a link, or the rate instructions. appId will be one of the property names listed in Urls.
action-changed (actionId) Fires when the action changes, e.g. the user presses the 'Rate' button when in 'Subscribe' mode. actionId will be one of: rate or subscribe
ready (platformId) Fires when the widget component has loaded, includes the detected platform ID of the device. platformId will be one of: windows, osx, android, ios, windows-phone, linux or unknown.

Feature requests

The underlying Vue/Vuetify component source code for this widget is not currently available, but may be released in the future. In the meantime feel free to make a feature request by raising a new issue.

Possible future features:

  • Font customisation
  • Support for more podcast apps & websites
  • Embedded RSS reader & audio player
  • Integration with analytics services