Backbase Accelerators Widget (Shared Library)
- Angular 8
- Bootstrap 4
- Sass
- PrimeNg
- BackBase Design System
- Ngx libraries
Last Version
To run this project, install it localy using npm:
$ npm i @aurel.nica/smart-accounts-lib-ang
Publish package to
- Important! Change version in package.json and from library folder.
$ npm run package:libs // create package (IMPORTANT it is private package)
$ cd dist/libs/smart-accounts-lib // navigate to
$ npm login // login with aurel.nica or dumitrutirsina both accounts had read/write rights
$ npm whoami // check if you are logged
$ npm publish // publish package to npm
Generate Data Modules using RAML files:
Zip with raml files from your PC:
$ ng generate @bb-cli/schematics:data-module --name consent-specification --ramlPath {path to api.raml file}/raml/consent-specification/api.raml
$ ng generate @bb-cli/schematics:data-module --name accounts-specification --ramlPath {path to api.raml file}/raml/accounts-specification/api.raml
$ ng generate @bb-cli/schematics:data-module --name transactions-specification --ramlPath {path to api.raml file}/raml/transactions-specification/api.raml
$ ng generate @bb-cli/schematics:data-module --name token-specification --ramlPath {path to api.raml file}/raml/token-specification/api.raml
Data Modules && API Services:
Data Modules:
* smart-accounts-lib -> consent-specification [Consent API Data Module] -> methods [postConsentRecordByBankName(), getAvailableBanks()]
* smart-accounts-lib -> accounts-specification [GetAccounts API Data Module] -> method [getAccountsRecordByBankName()]
* smart-accounts-lib -> transactions-specification [GetTransactions API Data Module] -> method [getAccountTransactionsRecordByAccountIdByBankName()]
* smart-accounts-lib -> token-specification [Token API Data Module] -> methods [postTokenRecordByBankName()]
API Services that are integrated in Widget Components:
* smart-accounts-lib -> api-services -> api-specification.service.ts -> methods:
* getAvailableBanks()
* postConsentRecordByBankName()
* postTokenRecordByBankName()
* getAccountsRecordByBankName()
* getAccountTransactionsRecordByAccountIdByBankName()
Main Widget (smart-accounts-lib)
* smart-accounts-lib -> lib -> smart-accounts-lib.component.ts
* smart-accounts-lib -> lib -> smart-accounts-lib.module.ts
UI Components used in Main Widget
* smart-accounts-lib -> src -> lib -> bank-authorization [html, ts]
* smart-accounts-lib -> src -> lib -> bank-transactions-list [html, ts, pipe]
* smart-accounts-lib -> src -> lib -> dashboard [html, ts]
* smart-accounts-lib -> src -> lib -> new-bank [html, ts]
Application routes
routes: [
{ path: '', component: DashboardComponent, pathMatch: 'full'},
{ path: 'add-new-bank', component: NewBankComponent },
{ path: 'bank-auth', component: BankAuthorizationComponent },
{ path: 'transactions-list', component: BankTransactionsListComponent }