Slush generator for NodeJS + ReactJS + Flux with Isomorphic support
All written in ES6-7 with babel support
Contain the following major frameworks/components:
- Express
- Mongoose
- Passport
- React
- Alt (for flux)
- ISO (for isomorphic)
- Webpack
- Mocha (may replace)
- Chai (may replace)
- Sinon (may replace)
After clone/download this repo run:
npm install -g slush-node-react-iso
slush node-react-iso
After answer all questions, and install all NPM's run:
gulp init
gulp build-all
cd dist/server
node app.js
Than go to your browser and run:
p.s. Your-selected-domain and your-selected-port is what your choise during the slush installation
* The generator just built quick-and-dirty, need to improve more and will change serioucly from time to time (if i'll have time:), so consider it as 85% ready to use..