
Slush generator for creating node es next (ES6, ES7) projects, uses traceur.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushNodeEsnext from '';




Slush generator for creating node es next (ES6, ES7) projects, uses traceur.

Getting Started


Install slush-node-esnext globally:

$ npm i -g slush-node-esnext

Remember to install slush globally as well, if you haven't already:

$ npm i -g slush


Create a new folder for your node esnext package. Then cd into it.

$ mkdir node-esnext-package && cd node-esnext-package

Initiate the generator:

$ slush node-esnext



$ slush node-esnext:bin

Will add a bin key to your package.json and a bin cli script which allows your package to run as a global command in your shell.


Within your package the generator provides the following commands.

  • npm run build - Compiles ES6+ modules inside src directory to ES5 CommonJS modules.
  • npm run start - Execute your package. Only works if your package runs from the command line.
  • npm run watch - Watches src directory and rebuilds on changes.


The generator expects a few conventions. They are easy to change if they are not suitable.

  • source code for your npm package is in the src directory.
  • compiled ES6+ code is outputed to the out directory.
  • the package main module is located at src\index.js.

Getting To Know Slush

Slush is a tool that uses Gulp for project scaffolding.

Slush does not contain anything "out of the box", except the ability to locate installed slush generators and to run them with liftoff.

To find out more about Slush, check out the documentation.
