
Slush generator for Angular Components architecture

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushAngularComponents from '';


Slush Angular Components

Build Angular.js apps in a structured (component-based) way.


  • Simple, high performance
  • Production ready (used in production by a few large organizations)
  • Fast development
  • Component based structured
  • Uses John Papa conventions


  • Live reload development web server (browserSync)
  • Babel (es2015) javascript compilation
  • SCSS (node-sass)
  • ESLint (recommended settings)
  • Preprocessing HTML and Javascript (by using .env file)
  • Iconfont pipeline (just put .svg's in icons directory, automatically creates iconfont)
  • Use node_modules for frontend dependency management


sudo npm install slush -g
sudo npm install slush-angular-components -g


  • Create a new folder for your project i.e. "my-todo-app"
  • Run the following command:
slush angular-components
  • Then run:
npm install
npm run dev


Components are small, reusable parts of your application.

Development components

All component files DO NOT need angular module definition, it happens for you!!

So you don't ever have to write this:

angular.module('myApp').directive('myAwesomeDirective', myAwesomeDirective);
angular.module('myApp').controller('MyAwesomeController', MyAwesomeController);

Instead, the type is defined in the filename i.e. dashboard.directive.js, dashboard.controller.js


I fucking hated the time it took to create the files alone, then always the same code repeating, fuck that shit, so again: declare the type in the file.


file name: dashboard.directive.js

function dashboard () {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: 'dashboard/dashboard.html',
    controller: 'DashboardController',
    controllerAs: 'vm',
    bindToController: true,
    scope: {}


file name: dashboard.controller.js

function DashboardController () {
  var vm = this;

Factories / services

file name: users.factory.js

function users ($q, $http) {
  var getUser = function (userId) {
    return $http.get('/users/' + userId);

  return {
    getUser: getUser

More (filters, config, run, constant)

check the demo content in the scaffolded version