The sludgy-trucker-coffee (STC) http Framework
How to use the STC framework
npm install sludgy-trucker-coffee
To then use STC you must require in ('sludgy-trucker-coffee').
var stc = require('sludgy-trucker-coffee')
Router Methods
Server Methods --------------------Setting up a route for a GET request:
stc.router.get(pathname, [plain/text])
Sets up a basic route on your server that will return the plain/text you give it as a second argument
- Pathname: Any valid url character may be used in the form of a string.
- Response[optional]: The response you want the server to send and thus be displayed on a browser if you navigate to this route. If you do not include a response it defaults to a placeholder.
stc.router.get('/finecupofjoe', "damn that's fine coffee");
will print "damn that's a fine cup of coffee" when you visit /finecupofjoe.
will give you the default reminder text when you go to /default.
For those who want a little more control, you can add your own callback:
stc.router.get('/thehardway', function(request, response){
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
response.write("Here be some text I wrote the hard way");
NOTE: If you want to serve up more than plain text (like HTML), you MUST add a callback and use response.writeHead.
Setting up a route for a GET request to a static file html or css:
stc.router.getStatic(pathname, [route])
1.Pathname: Any valid pathname to the file contents you want to serve.
2.Route[Optional]: If you leave this blank it defaults to the filename and extenstion. (example: '/style.css');
Coming soon: Support for image files!
stc.router.getStatic('/path/to/index.html', '/');
//Returns the contents of index.html at the '/' route
//Returns the contents of style.css at '/style.css'
Setting up a route for a POST request:, [callback])
1.Pathname: Any valid url character may be used in the form of a string. 2.Callback[optional]: A callback function with the parameters of request and response. If left black will default to an empty response.
and setting up a route for a POST request is easy if you can use the default callback provided above. Simply use the following code:'/yourownurl');
Here is an example of an optional callback.'/postwithcustomcallback', function(request, respnse){
var totalData = '';
request.on('data', function(data){
totalData += data.toString();
request.on('end', function() {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
Setting up your own customer 404 response:
1.String: Any sting you use in here will then be set as your 404 response message.
404 messages have a default already built in. But if you want to create custom 404 messages you can.
stc.custom404('some custom message here');
Every 404 you encounter will now respond with 'some custom message here'.
Starting up your server:
1.Port(optional): You can set what port you want your server to be on. If you provide no arguments it will default to 3000.
Your server is now listen on port 5000.