Severless Sesam Swagger Plugin
What is this repository for?
- To easily manage a 1 big swagger file in to small multiple files
- Merge and Generate a single swagger from multiple files
- Serverless plugin you can integrate to your serverless configuration to automatically generate swagger upon packing or deploying
How do I get set up in Severless.yml file?
rootFile: "./deploy/swagger/swaggerRootFile.json" # the root file path of the swagger
outputFile: "./deploy/swagger-deploy.json" # the file path of the output swagger file
How do I use it using Serverless command?
$ serverless generate-sesam-swagger -i <filepath of the root file> -o <filepath of the output swagger file>
Library/Dependency was used
- swagger-merger - This plugin is written on top of this library. You can use this library documentation for guidelines on how to write your own swagger in modular form.
Who do I talk to?
Sesam developers: