⌚ slotpicker, a nice and simple time slot picker, its actually a React component, i hope you find it useful
please note that this package is using dayjs, its more lightweight then moment and have the same exact syntax that momentjs is using
Available in three langs: ar, en and fr, if you know any other, you can edit the lang.js file
npm install slotpicker
import SlotPicker from 'slotpicker';
// Required, interval between two slots in minutes, 30 = 30 min
// Required, when user selects a time slot, you will get the "from" selected value in secs
onSelectTime={selectedSlot => alert(selectedSlot)}
// Optional, array of unavailable time slots
unAvailableSlots={[12 * 60, 15 * 60]}
// Optional, if you have a calendar with the time picker, put it here
selectedDate={new Date()}
// Optional, 8 = 08:00 AM, the start of the slots
from={8 * 60}
// Optional, 20 = 08:00 PM, the end of the time
to={20 * 60}
// Optional, selected slot color
// Optional, language of the displayed text, default is english (en)
// Optional, 13 = 01:00 PM, will be selected by default
defaultSelectedTime={13 * 60}
the selectedSlot you will get in the onSelectTime prop, is the "from" slot, if you want to display like the "from" and "to" selected slots its simple, the from = selectedSlot and to = selectedSlot + interval, use dayjs or momentjs to convert the secs to a readable format
if you are storing the slots in some db, store them as seconds like that, then get them and convert them as i said using dayjs or momentjs, im doing that in my current project and its so easy and smooth to work with
interface SlotPickerProps {
interval: number
onSelectTime: (from: number) => any
unAvailableSlots?: Array<number>
selectedDate?: Date
from?: number
to?: number
selectedSlotColor?: string
lang?: 'ar' | 'en' | 'fr'
defaultSelectedTime?: number
- Rewrite the lib to TypeScript