
simple slider of latest products of a woocommerce shop using wc json-api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slidertimeout from '';


Simple Product Slider for Woocommerce

this script adds simple slider which demonstrates latest products of a given category from WC json api, using a setinterval function, in a given div.

in order to begin, please :

  1. Enable Woocommerce Rest API findout how

  2. Once you included this script in your theme in any way you desire, use the following example to get it to work:

    var mysecret = "put your wc api secret here";

    var myconsumerkey = "put your consumer key ";

    var mySST = new SST(mysecret,myconsumerkey);

then you're all set.

To put it in an nutshell, this class my ask for following variables as inputs:

host : string, null by default. simply the url of your WC rest-API installation . - optional

elem: string, null by default. The ID of element which you want this script to show in. - optional

secret: string, the secret which WC -API console gives to you. - Required.

category: string, the "slug" of a category of your products. - Required

consumer:string, the consumer key provided by wc json-api console. - Required


~ Kaveh