
Cross Browser and Responsive Multiple Slides Library for Modern Web Apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slidedoom from '';



A responsive slide library for webpages Dont forget to add Slidedoom.css. It is needed inorder to display the slides correctly. Visit for the implementation. Please update and use the slidedoom package latest version for bug fix and error handling..

New:Recent Update: Now you can clear the timer as the slidedoom() function will return <>. Clear the timer in componentWillUnmount in react and ngOnDestroy on Angular using the <<timerId.>>

Previous Update: 1.Added error handling for required parameteres for slides. 2.Added Slidespeed and Fullscreen mode by setting variable var slidespeed=1;//(in seconds) var fullscreendoom=true;//true(For normal web pages) to enable fullscreen icon at bottom or in angular pass last two parameters for slidedoom function slidedoom(<other required params),slidespeed,fullscreendoom);

Future Updates: 1.Decreasing the size of the js file as less as possible.(Busy with some other works. Will be updating it once i have free time. :>3) Previous Update: Fixed the small bug in dynamic css created by Slidedoom library and updated read me file. Please read the Readme file if you are having any issues while integrating the library, Refer for Integrating Slidedoom with angular cli.

Latest version fix:

  1. Error handling for total no of slides not equal to backgrounds array and maxSlides variable value should be the maximum possible slides div element inside slidezimple css class div element.


  1. Its Small. 6kb Javascript and 2Kb CSS.
  2. No External Dependencies.
  3. Integrate Slides to Your app in seconds.
  4. Easy Integration.
  5. Cross Browser Support
  6. Responsive
  7. Mobile browsers Support and Tablets Too
  8. Set Background images for slide using any colors, local image url or remote image url. Its that easy. (In backgrounds array just set any array element value as object literal {name:"<REMOTE_URL or LOCAL_URL>"}. For background colors for slide, in background array just set string as "#789564 or rgb(7,7,7)")


var backgrounds = [ { name: "" },//Slide0 background { name: "" },//Slide1 background "#121212",//Slide2 background "#888eee",//Slide3 background "#a77756",//Slide4 background "#444777"//Slide5 background ] For more info, refer Documentation or source code at Github


If you want some cool glassy effect for your slide add two css classes 'glassy' and 'afterglassy': Do it like below:

        &lt;div class="slides slide0"&gt;
            &lt;div class="glassy" style="opacity:0.7"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;//set opacity from 0 to 1 to increase or decrease the glassy effect.
            &lt;div class="afterglassy"&gt;//this class will make the glassy effect possible
                &lt;div class="aboutslidedoom"&gt;Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use
                    carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.

Note: Apply a background image to the slide to see the effect visually.


For Angular 2+,

Refer the following sample code:


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

import slidedoom from "slidedoom/Slidedoom.ang.min.js";

//Note that its Slidedoom.ang.min.js file for angular ( slidedoom.js file is only for regular website or webpage)

@Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] })

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

title = 'app';

backgrounds = [ "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)",//Slide0 background

"#687792",//Slide1 background

"#121212",//Slide2 background

"#888eee",//Slide3 background

"#a77756",//Slide4 background

"#444777"//Slide5 background ];

//array of slidecontainer Height in proportion to Browser Client Height

// first slidecontainer height is 1/1 =100% of Browser Client Height

aspectRatioHeight = [1];

//array of slidecontainer width in proportion to Browser Client Width // first slidecontainer width is 1/1= 100% of Browser Client Width aspectRatioWidth = [1];

//Till now we have specified what each slidecontainer width and height

//Now we are going to merge the slidecontainers and put it row wise // First row contains only 1 slidecontainer

slidesgroup = [1];

//used only for css //specify the maximum number of slides you are going to use in a single slidecontainer.

maxSlides = 6;

ngOnInit() {

//call slidedoom method as imported at the top with the following arguments slidedoom(this.backgrounds, this.aspectRatioHeight, this.aspectRatioWidth, this.slidesgroup, this.maxSlides);



app.component.css // This plays an important role in proper position of slides

================= add "./node_modules/slidedoom/Slidedoom.min.css" to styles array in angular.json file if you are using angular CLI. if you are using custom webpack configuration add the below import code to global style sheet @import url("../node_modules/slidedoom/Slidedoom.min.css");//the path to the node_modules will vary depend upon where you are placing the import css code of Slidedoom.min.css.


================= (Same as in previous slidedoom version)

<div class="slides slide0">


 <div class="aboutslidedoom">Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom
    is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.
<div class="slides slide1">
  <div class="aboutslidedoom">Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom
    is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.
<div class="slides slide2">
  <div class="aboutslidedoom">Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom
    is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.
<div class="slides slide3">
  <div class="aboutslidedoom">Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom
    is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.
<div class="slides slide4">
  <div class="aboutslidedoom">Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom
    is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.


Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.Slidedoom is a lightweight and ease of use carousel library.

Have Fun with it ! :)