
Fetch HTML/CSS and transform it into components

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sliceMachine from '';



Tired of manually copying HTML & CSS and transforming it into your favorite framework views and styled ? Meet slice-machine a tool that allows you to slice up your existing HTML templates and styles and nice component based UI for your favorite framework


npm install -g slice-machine


Create a config file, slice-machine.config.js in the directory where you plan in running the commands.

This file will be read by Slice Machine and the instructions in it executed.

Config file format

Default name of the config file is slice-machine.config.js and this is what will be used by slice machine to fetch the needed resources.

This is a NodeJS module so you can import other modules and do whatever you want as long as you export a JS object.

module.exports = {
    language: 'typescript',
    url: '',
    slices: [
            sel: '.content',
            name: 'Content'
    removeCSSClasses: true,
    removeDataAttributes: true,
    componentMinNodes: 2,
    extractColors: true,
    outputPath: 'dist'

Slice definition configuration

Each slice is defined by:

  • url: string

The URL to open in order to get the slice. If

  • sel: string

A CSS selector, similar to what you would give to document.querySelector in order to get to the slice

  • name: string

A meaningfull, component name given to the slice

  • sheetFilename

Optional parameter, determines how the file containing the CSS styles should be named

  • codeFilename

How the file containing the Javascript code for the slice should be named

  • removeDataAttributes

If data-* attributes should be removed from the captured DOM.

  • removeCSSClasses

If the original CSS classes that were set on the elements should be remvoed

  • extractColors

If the color pallete should be extracted and written at the beggining of the style file.

Output configurations

outputPath - Defines where the components and styles should be written. Defaults to current directory( '.' )

Multiple slices

Each slices, can, in turn have sub-slices and so on. Each slices can be taken from a different URL.

module.exports = {
    language: 'typescript',
    url: '',
    slices: [
            sel: '.content',
            name: 'Content',
            slices: [
                    sel: '.subslice',
                    name: 'ChildComponent'
            url: 'file://local-file',
            sel: '.another-content',
            name: 'SliceFromLocalHTML'
    outputPath: 'dist'