
A Slate plugin to handle deleteAtRange, insertFragmentAtRange and getFragmentAtRange

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slateBindCopyPaste from '';



NPM version

This plugin generates and helps to generate wiser range operations of deleteAtRange, insertFragmentAtRange, getFragmentAtRange


  yarn add --save slate-bind-copy-paste
  import { getFragmentAtRange as getPlugin, insertFragmentAtRange as insertPlugin, deleteAtRange as deletePlugin} from 'slate-bind-copy-paste';
  const getFragmentAtRange = getPlugin.generate(getRules)
  const insertFragmentAtRange = insertPlugin.generate(insertRules)
  const deleteAtRange = deletePlugin.generate(deleteRules)


Because getFragmentAtRange, deleteAtRange, insertFragmentAtRange are often configured in different files, I think it is better not to export default. Then you can load them with alias.


import { getFragmentAtRange as plugin} from 'slate-bind-copy-paste'
const getFragmentAtRange : (Node, Range) => Document = plugin.generate(rules: Array<GetRule>)

If no rules are specified, the function will behave like the slate's getFragmentAtRange. rules are a set of the rule explained as below:

type GetRule =  (
    rootGet: (Node, Range, Options) => Document,
    node: Node,
    range: Range,
    option: Options,
    next: (Options) => Document
) => Document;
Options: Immutable.Record({startText: Text, endText: Text, startAncestors: List<Node>, endAncestors: List<Node>})


  1. rootGet: Transfer the control to the first rule of rules, used when reset the node or range.
  2. node: The root node for getFragmentAtRange
  3. range: The range of getting fragment
  4. option: a set of convinient variables to simplify the code; Do not worry about option, the option will be normalized with the corrent {Edge}Text and {Edge}Ancestors in each call of next and rootGet
  5. next: Transfer the control to the next rule of rules, keeping node and range

For exmample, this is a rule not copying the void Block at the start;

function noVoidStart(rootGet, node, range, option, next) {
  const {startAncestors} = option;
  if (startAncestors.find(n => n.isVoid)) {
    if (range.startKey === range.endKey) {
      return Document.create({nodes:[]})
    const nextText = node.getNextText(range.startKey);
    range = range.moveAnchorToStartOf(nextText)
    return rootGet(node, range, option)
  return next(option)

For more example usage, see zhujinxuan/slate-bad-table in lib/rules/getFragmentAtRange


import { deleteAtRange as plugin} from 'slate-bind-copy-paste'
const deleteAtRange  = plugin.generate(rules: Array<DeleteRule>)

If no rules are specified, the function will behave like the slate's deleteAtRange. rules are a set of the rule explained as below:

type DeleteRule = (
    rootDelete: (Change, Range, Options) => Change,
    change: Change,
    range: Range,
    option: Options,
    next: (Options) => Change
) => Change;
Options: Immutable.Record({startText: Text, endText: Text, startAncestors: List<Node>, endAncestors: List<Node>, deleteStartText: boolean, deleteEndText: boolean})


  1. rootDelete: Transfer the control to the first rule of rules, used when reset the node,range or option.delete{Edge}Text
  2. change: change
  3. range: range for delete
  4. option:
  • deleteStartText: whether to remove Text node if the range is at the start of the Text
  • deleteEndText: whether to remove Text node if the range is at the end of the Text
  • {Edge}Text and {Edge}Ancestors convenient variables, automatically normalized in rootGet and next
  1. next: Transfer control to the next rule. You can reset option.delete{Edge}Text in calling this rule

The generated deleteAtRange is called with

deleteAtRange : (change: Change, range: Range, {normalize, snapshot, deleteStartText, deleteEndText})
  1. normalize: by default true
  2. snapshot is whether to snapshot the selection, incaseof avoiding undo bugs, by default true
  3. deleteStartText: whether to remove Text node if the range is at the start of the Text, by default false for the first rule
  4. deleteEndText: whether to remove Text node if the range is at the end of the Text, by default true for the first rule

For more example usage, see lib/deleteAtRange/rules or zhujinxuan/slate-bad-table in lib/rules/deleteAtRange


import { insertFragmentAtRange as plugin} from 'slate-bind-copy-paste'
const insertFragmentAtRange  = plugin.generate(rules: Array<InsertRule>)

If no rules are specified, the function will behave like the insertFragmentAtRange in Slate's PR 1553. rules are a set of the rule explained as below:

type InsertRule = (
    rootDelete: (Change, Range, Document, Options) => Change,
    change: Change,
    range: Range,
    fragment: Document,
    option: Options,
    (Options) => Change
) => Change;
Options: Immutable.Record({`Edge`Text: Text, `Edge`Ancestors: List<Node>, firstNodeAsText: boolean, lastNodeAsText: boolean})


  1. rootDelete: transfer the control to the first rule. used when reset node, range, fragment, option.{Where}AsText
  2. change: change
  3. range: range for insertFragmentAtRange, you can take range.startKey and range.startOffset if you like. However, this is not automatically collapsed because someone may want to implement a feature getFragmentAtRange + insertFragmentAtRange do not change significantly.
  4. fragment fragment for insert
  5. option
  • firstNodeAsText: whether tries to concat first fragment node as Text
  • deleteEndText: whethere tries to concat last fragment node as Text
  • {Edge}Text and {Edge}Ancestors convenient variables, automatically normalized in rootGet and next
  1. next: Transfer control to the next rule. You can reset option.{Where}AsText in calling this rule

The generated function is called with

insertFragmentAtRange : (change: Change, range: Range, fragment: Document,  {normalize, snapshot, firstNodeAsText, lastNodeAsText, deleteAtRange})
  1. normalize: by default true
  2. snapshot is whether to snapshot the selection, incaseof avoiding undo bugs, by default true
  3. firstNodeAsText: whether to concat texts in the first fragment node, by default true for the first rule
  4. lastNodeAsText: whether to concat texts in the last fragment node, by default true for the first rule
  5. deleteAtRange: (Change, Range, {snapshot: false, deleteStartText: false, deleteEndText: false, normalize: false}), by default use slate's change.deleteAtRange. Delete content in the range before insert.

For more exmple usage, see lib/insertFragmentAtRange/rules or zhujinxuan/slate-bad-table in lib/rules/insertFragmentAtRange

pre-defined rules:


import { deleteAtRange as plugin} from 'slate-bind-copy-paste'
const {atDifferentText, atSameText} = plugin.rules;
  1. atDifferentText called when startKey and endKey are different. Behavior are alike:
  • if same Text at both edges, transfer control to next rule
  • if deleteStartText: false or startOffset !== 0, delete the text content in , transfer control to the first rule
  • delete all nodes from startText to the commonAncestor.child which is not an ancestor of endText, transfer control to the first rule
  1. atSameText called when when startKey and endKey are same. If the edges are different Texts, then transfer control to the next rule


import { insertFragmentAtRange as plugin} from 'slate-bind-copy-paste'
const {firstParagraphAsText, lastParagraphAsText, nodesAsBlocks}  = plugin.rules
  1. firstParagraphAsText: Tries to concat the first fragment node as Text
  2. lastParagraphAsText: Tries to concat the last fragment node as Text
  3. nodesAsBlocks: Insert fragment nodes as blocks in the range with splitBlock

For Flow users

You can import the type of rules like

// @flow
import {type typeDeleteAtRangeRule as typeRule } from 'slate-bind-copy-paste'
// @flow
import {type typeInsertFragmentAtRangeRule as typeRule } from 'slate-bind-copy-paste'
// @flow
import {type typeGetFragmentAtRangeRule as typeRule } from 'slate-bind-copy-paste'