Save messages from a Slack channel to an archive. Messages are saved to an XML file and files are downloaded to a subfolder. Simple styles provided via XSL. Optionally archives to ZIP file.
npm install slack-message-archiver
var archiver = require('slack-message-archiver');, channel, [options], [callbackFunc]);
token Slack API token. Get one here:
channel Channel to archive, e.g. #general
options [all parameters are optional]
// mininum message datestamp (inclusive)
// must be parseable, e.g. YYYYMMDD or MM/DD/YYY or YYYY-MM-DD.
from: '20160915',
// max message datestamp (inclusive)
// must be parseable, e.g. YYYYMMDD or MM/DD/YYY or YYYY-MM-DD.
to: '10/01/2016',
// folder to write to
// if omitted, writes to current folder
dir: '/tmp',
// stylesheet that the messages xml will be styled with.
// if omitted, uses basic slack-message-archive.xsl (provided)
xsl: 'foo.xsl',
// maximum number of concurrent file downloads of files
// associated with messages
// default is 2. YMMV.
concurrency: 2,
// whether progress information should be logged to console
// default is false.
logToConsole: false,
// whether to create a zip archive of the messages xml, xsl, and files
// default is false;
zip: false
calbackFunc function executed upon completion, with these parameters:
err error, if applicable
results object containing result data
Results format passed to callback function
If successful, the supplied callback function is provided an object literal with information about the result of the archive process. Example:
channel: 'general',
from: 'Thursday, September 15th 2016, 12:00 am',
to: 'Saturday, October 1st 2016, 12:00 am',
writeFolder: 'C:\\somePath',
filename: 'archive_general__20160915-20161001.xml',
messages: 155,
files: 7,
archivePath: 'C:\\somePath\\',
archiveFile: ''
Note about Google Chrome
Chrome does not allow XSL styling of local XML files. See:
- Use another browser (IE and FF work fine)
- Upload the generated archive to a web host
Fork and submit pull requests. This code can be improved! GitHub repo:
Issues/Features requests
Open issue here: