
Wrapper for Storstockholms Lokaltrafiks (SL) public API:s

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slApi from '';



NPM version Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status

Node.js wrapper for working with the official Storstockholms Lokaltrafiks (SL) public API:s

Why is this module needed?
Can this module be used in the browser?


Install the module using npm (npm is a packet manager and is included when installing Node.js).

$ npm install sl-api --save

Head over to, sign up/in and create a project to get your API keys.



Initialize an API client using the keys for your project. You do not have to supply keys for all the API:s, only for the ones you are planning to use.

var SL = require('sl-api');

var sl = new SL({
  realtimeInformation: "<key for: SL Realtidsinformation 3>",
  locationLookup: "<key for: SL Platsuppslag>",
  tripPlanner: "<key for: SL Reseplanerare 2>",
  trafficSituation: "<key for: SL Trafikläget 2>",
  disturbanceInformation: "<key for: SL Störningsinformation 2>",

Pass an optional second argument to get the responses in raw json or xml format.

var sl = new SL({
  realtimeInformation: "93d670b5a270442baca4896869e40949",
  locationLookup: "7e219fc7f11340ff5a02ec6e1957765c",
}, 'json');


All methods accept an optional options object as the first argument which will modify the query string for the request.

sl.realtimeInformation({siteid: 9507})
//<API KEY>&siteid=9507

sl.tripPlanner.trip({originId: 9118, destId: 9507})
//<API KEY>&originId=9118&destId=9507

All methods return promises but also accept a callback.

..use the promise...

sl.realtimeInformation({siteid: 9507})

// promises are easily chainable
sl.locationLookup({searchstring: "tegnergatan"})
  .then(function (data) {
    return sl.realtimeInformation({siteid: data[0].SiteId});
  .then(function (data) {
    data.Buses.forEach(function (bus) {
      console.log('towards %s in %s', bus.Destination, bus.DisplayTime);

..or use a callback.

sl.locationLookup({searchstring: "tegnergatan"}, function(err, results) {
  if (err) {
    return console.error(err);


Get realtime departure information about buses, metros, trains, trams and ships for the specified site. Response also includes disturbance information.

Uses API key for SL Realtidsinformation 3

// example
sl.realtimeInformation({siteid: 9507}, callback);


Get information about stations and location by searching for them by name.

Uses API key for SL Platsuppslag

// example
sl.locationLookup({searchstring: "tegnerg"}, callback);


Get the current traffic situation.

Uses API key for SL Trafikläget 2

// example


Get information about current and planned disturbances. Possible to specify a particular line or mode of transport.

Uses API key for SL Störningsinformation 2


// example
sl.disturbanceInformation.deviations({transportMode: "metro"}, callback);


// example
sl.disturbanceInformation.deviationsRawData({transportMode: "metro"}, callback);


Get proposals and information about trips from point A to B.

Uses API key for SL Reseplanerare 2


// example
sl.tripPlanner.trip({originId: 9118, destId: 9507}, callback);


// example
sl.tripPlanner.journeyDetail({ref: '202422%2F82420%2F794926%2F329989%2F74%3Fdate%3D2014-10-27%26station_evaId%3D400112174%26station_type%3Ddep%26lang%3Dsv%26format%3Dxml%26'}, callback);


// example
sl.tripPlanner.geometry({ref: '348279%2F123375%2F748780%2F258298%2F74%26startIdx%3D18%26endIdx%3D20%26lang%3Dsv%26format%3Dxml%26'}, callback);


# clone this repo
$ npm install
$ npm test

Why is this module needed?

This is a convenience module that makes it easier to work with SLs API and attempts to iron out some of the quirks in the response data. For example, a response from the Geometry endpoint of the Reseplanerare 2 API looks like this without the module:

"Geometry": {
  "Points": {
    "Point": [{
      "lat": "59.342954",
      "lon": "18.045853"
      }, {
      "lat": "59.341426",
      "lon": "18.044829"
      }, {
      "lat": "59.341426",
      "lon": "18.044829"

Unnecessary wrapper objects surrounds the interesting part, the array of points. Using the module you’ll get the array of points directly.

Can this module be used in the browser?

No. The APIs does not support JSON-P or CORS.


MIT © Simon Johansson