
Walks a directory tree and transforms loaded nodes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skywalker from '';



Walks a directory or a file and optionally applies transformations on the tree's members. There are other modules that do the same, I didn't like them, rolled my own.

Can't believe skywalker was not already in use on npmjs.


    npm install skywalker


  • Easy to use
  • Callbacks or evented style
  • Directory sizes
  • Supports limited depth, regex filtering, glob matching, mime-type filtering, extension filtering
  • Easy as hell to write plugins for


    var Tree = require('skywalker');

        .ignore(/(^|\/)_.*?$/g) //ignores files that begin with "_"
            console.log('runs for each file or directory that match "something"');
            console.log('rejects all files or directories that begin with "_"',this._.path);
            console.log('runs for each file that has a json extension');
            var file = this;
                    file._.error = err;
                    return next();
                file._.contents = contents;
           = JSON.parse(contents);
                    file._.error = err;
        .on('file',function(file){console.log('file event:',file._.path);})
        .on('directory',function(file){console.log('directory event:',file._.path);})
            if(err){return console.log(err);}
            for(var n in file){
            var children = file._.children;
            for(var i=0 ; i < children.length ; i++){

If for some reason you want to set the root directory name later (not at instantiation), do that:

        //other things

By default, skywalker does not emit errors, as it is expected that they will be handled in callbacks. However, if you prefer event-style error handling, do the following:


Directories children are accessible in two manners:

    var t = Tree(dir).start(function(err,files){
        //either use:
        for(var i = 0, l = files._.children.length;i < l;i++){
        //or even:
        for(var n in files){

Children always exists on all file instances, even when they are not directories, so you can safely just loop, and the loop will not run when children.length is 0.
Any property other than children is not enumerable, so loops are also safe to use without prior checking if the file is a directory.

However, if you have a filter running that disables files AND you are watching, then a file might be null, so you might want to do:

    var t = Tree(dir).start(function(err,files){
        for(var n in files){

Files Properties

All properties (name, path, etc) are stored on a property named "_". The following properties are to be found:

  • file._.path full path to the file
  • file._.dirname parent dir of the file
  • file._.filename filename of the file, including extension
  • file._.extension extension, without the dot, and in lowercase
  • filename without extension
  • file._.children only for directories: an array of children
  • file._.parents an array of parents (backref to the parents)
  • file._.contents empty, fill it with a string if your own callbacks
  • file._.mime mimetype, for example 'text/plain'
  • file._.mime.type for example 'text'
  • file._.mime.subType for example, 'plain'
  • file._.isDirectory true for directories, false for everything else
  • and all stats properties, which are:
    • dev
    • mode
    • nlink
    • uid
    • gid
    • rdev
    • blksize
    • ino
    • size works for directories too
    • blocks
    • atime converted to a unix timestamp
    • mtime converted to a unix timestamp
    • ctime converted to a unix timestamp

Plugins may add properties to this object (see below).

If you have, in your path, a file or folder named "_", then the properties of its parent will be overwritten. In that case, you have two options:
1 - Change the default namespace:

    // later...

2 - use the 'safe' namespace:

    // Yes, that's 10 "_".
    // If you have a file named like that too,
    // then you are shit out of luck.

Note that both keys are usable at all times.

The default toString() function outputs the file's path, but if you set the contents property of the file...

    file._.contents = 'abcde';

...Then this is what toString() will output.

To detect mimetypes, skywalker uses node-mime. It is made available on the Tree.mime namespace

    //define a new mime-type:


Skywalker doesn't know how to watch, but it is "watch-ready". Thus, you are able to implement any watching system you like. swap start([callback]) with watch(watchFunction[,callback])

watchFunction receives two arguments: a "watchHelpers" object that contains helpers, and a callback function to run when ready.

    var t = Tree(dir)
        .on(/** something, function **/)
            var watcher = myWatchImplementation(watchHelpers.filename);
    t.unwatch(); //calls watcher.stop()

Available helpers are:

  • watchHelpers.filename the root directory
  • watchHelpers.tree the skywalker instance
  • watchHelpers.onCreated(filepath)
  • watchHelpers.onChanged(filepath)
  • watchHelpers.onRemoved(filepath)
  • watchHelpers.onRenamed(filepathNew,filepathOld)
  • watchHelpers.onError(error)

Look in /watchers for an example implementation

As an alternative to implementing your own function, you may simply specify the implementation like so:

    var t = Tree(dir)
        .on(/** something, function **/)

Available implementations are gaze, watch, and chokidar. Note that they are not bundled with skywalker and that you will have to install them separately.


the following events are emitted from Skywalker:

  • FILE: 'file': emitted when a file is processed
  • DIRECTORY: 'directory': emitted when a directory is processed
  • DONE: 'done': emitted when all files have been processed
  • ERROR: 'error': emitted when an error is encountered
  • CREATED: 'created': emitted when a file or directory is created (if watch()ing)
  • REMOVED: 'remove': emitted when a file or directory is deleted (if watch()ing)
  • CHANGED: 'change': emitted when a file or directory is modified (if watch()ing)
  • RENAMED: 'rename': emitted when a file or directory is renamed (if watch()ing)

The events strings live on Skywalker.Events, so instead of on('error'), you can use on(Tree.Events.ERROR).


There are several available filters, they all have the same signature: filterFunction(regex|glob|null,func)

  • regex or glob is either a regex or a string. If nothing is provided, the filter will match every file and directory
  • func is a function with signature callback(next,done). Next() processes the next file, and done() interrupts the current directory processing. You can call done(err) to output an error.

Available filters are:

  • filter(regex|glob,func): basic filter
  • directoryFilter(regex|glob,func): acts only on directories
  • fileFilter(regex|glob,func): acts only on files
  • extensionFilter(string,func): you can provide a space-separated string of extension (jpg jpeg bmp), will act only on those extensions
  • mimeFilter(regex|glob,func): will act only on matched mime type Careful! fileFilter, mimefilter and extensionFilter will not descend in sub-directories! Use a normal filter for that.

Additionally, you have some convenience filters to ignore things:

  • ignore(regex|glob): will ignore files that match the pattern
  • ignoreDirectories(regex|glob): you know what this does
  • ignoreFiles(regex|glob): that too
  • ignoreDotFiles(): ignores files and directories that begin with '.'

For an wide array of examples, check out skywalker-extended


Selectors run after the tree has been parsed and allow for further filtering.

    var Tree = require('skywalker');
    var db = Tree.db;
        .selectors('F & size > 6100')
            var c = file._.children;
            for(var n in c){console.log(c[n]._.path)}

A selector presents itself as such: property operator value

  • property is any property of the file, found on the _ object. That is any 'native' property, or any property added by a plugin
  • operator is one of the operators below
  • value is the value compared to. some operators don't require a value

You can chain selectors with '&'. Available selectors are:

  • Selectors with properties:
    • GREATER_THAN : '>' example: size > 6100
    • LOWER_THAN: '<' example: atime < 1416242596
    • GREATER_OR_EQUAL: '>='
    • LOWER_OR_EQUAL: '<='
    • EQUAL: '=='
    • EQUAL_STRICT: '==='
    • MATCHES: '#' example: path # node_modules
  • Selectors that require a value only:
    • EXTENSION: '.' example . jpg (does not require a property)
    • PATH: '/' example / node_modules (similar to the matches example above, but globbing is allowed)
    • MIMETYPE: '@' example: @ text/javascript
  • Selectors that require an operator only:
    • ISDIR: 'D'
    • ISFILE:'F'


Skywalker ships with a few examples plugins (not loaded, copy-paste them where you need them). They are:

  • checksum: outputs a checksum string in a property called checksum. Needs the checksum module.
  • images: outputs size (width,height), imageMode (landscape, portrait, square) and ratio ( to the "_" property of images. Needs the image-size module.
  • json: parses json files. Sets the raw data on the "_.contents" and the parsed data on ""
  • markdown: parses markdown files. Sets the raw data on "_.contents" and the rendered content on "_.rendered". Needs the markdown module.
  • size: adds a human readable size property called humanSize. Needs the filesize module.
  • websafe: turns file names ("my nice image.jpeg") to a string that can be used in a classname or as an id ("my_nice_image"), and sets it on the "_.safename" property

add a plugin by calling

Be careful, order of filters and plugins does matter

More Info & Examples

Check out the tests.

  • install moka and chai: npm install -g mocha chai
  • run the tests cd skywalker && mocha
