
Vue module for creating page overlays with scrollable content

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skyOverlay from '';



Vue module for creating page overlays with scrollable content

overlay of content


npm install sky-overlay
yarn add sky-overlay

Basic concept

The main focus of SkyOverlay is to create overlays that:

  • Can fill the entire view
  • Have their own internal scroll independent of the rest of the page
  • Lock the scroll of the page behind them while they're active (and gracefully restore it upon deactivation)
  • Can be transparent (by keeping the page content in the DOM behind them)
  • Allow for appear/leave animations using Vue transitions

The plugin registers 3 components globally:

  1. <SkyOverlay /> - The overlay itself
  2. <SkyOverlayToggle /> - A (button) component for toggling an overlay from anywhere in your app
  3. <PageWrap /> - An important secondary component, for wrapping regular page content. This enables the scroll position of the page to be locked behind any activated overlay(s) and restored upon deactivation.

Note: The page wrapper is an important part of making SkyOverlay function properly. It locks content and removes it from scroll while an overlay is active.



import Vue from 'vue';
import SkyOverlay from 'sky-overlay';

// If you want to use the baseline scss add the following line
import '${YOUR-PROJECT-ROOT-PATH}/node_modules/sky-crop/src/SkyCrop.scss';


Example template

Add <PageWrap /> and all instances of <SkyOverlay /> in your root app component like below. <SkyOverlayToggle /> can be used anywhere.

<div id="app">

    <!-- Define any fixed components outside PageWrap such as fixed headers: -->
    <AppHeader />

        <h1>Your regular page content here</h1>
        <p>This is also where you would put your router-view etc.</p>

        <!-- You can add SkyOverlayToggle to toggle your overlay -->
            Click here to toggle overlay with id "myOverlay"

    <!-- Add your overlay(s) outside PageWrap -->
        {{Your overlay content}}



The <SkyOverlay /> component is animatable using Vue transitions. The transition is named sky-overlay-animate and is executed on the div with the class .sky-overlay-container. Basic example below:

.sky-overlay-container {
    background-color: green;

    &.sky-overlay-animate-leave-active {
        transition: opacity .5s;
    &.sky-overlay-animate-leave-to {
        opacity: 0;

Opening overlays programmatically

As an alternative to the <SkyOverlayTrigger /> component any overlay instances can also be toggled programmatically using $SkyOvelay exposed in the global Vue scope.

Vue.$SkyOverlay.toggle({ id: 'myOverlay' }); // 'myOverlay' is toggled to the reverse of its current open state
Vue.$SkyOverlay.toggle({ id: 'myOverlay', active: false }); // 'myOverlay' is closed if open

Which of course also means it works inside any component:

export default {
    // ...
    computed: {
        myOverlayState() {
            return this.$SkyOverlay.isActive('myOverlay'); // True if overlay is open
    created() {
        this.$SkyOverlay.toggleAll(false); // Force all overlays to close
        this.$SkyOverlay.toggle({ id: 'myOverlay', active: true }); // Open specific overlay
    // ...


This module is made by the Frontenders at Feel free to use it in any way you want. Feedback, questions and bugreports should be posted as issues. Pull-requests appreciated!