
Vue component for integrating formEditor in VueJs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skyFormEditor from '';



Vue module for including FormEditor forms inside Vue app.

For when you need to use the Umbraco module FormEditor inside a Vue.js app.

And yes, we know it's far from best practice to bootstrap AngularJS inside Vue, but FormEditor depends upon AngularJS for async posting so here we are. This module tries to go about this in the least ridiculous way by async loading AngularJS and FormEditor in its own script chunk.

Slim Flatpickr AngularJS directive included as well.


npm install sky-form-editor


yarn add sky-form-editor


Begin by importing and installing the SkyMailchimp Vue plugin

import Vue from 'vue';
import SkyFormEditor from 'sky-form-editor';


# Credits

This module is made by the Frontenders at []( Feel free to use it in any way you want. Feedback, questions and bugreports should be posted as issues. Pull-requests appreciated!