
a skiplist implemented on top of buffer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skiplistBuffer from '';



A skiplist implemented directly on top of buffers.

I looked at other skiplist implementations on npm, and found them to be quite slow. Actually, slower than just using a sorted array + binary search.

(there are some other problems with array + sort, like, can't add items to the array while you are querying through it)


var b = Buffer.alloc(1024*1024*2) //create a large buffer
var skiplist = require('skiplist-buffer')
var item = require('skiplist-buffer/debug').item
//create an initial block, this has the most pointers
var c = item(b, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

//returns a pointer to where the string is recorded
var ptr = skiplist.insertString(b, c, 'hello world')
var _ptr = skiplist.find(b, c, 'hello world')

//these are the same
assert.equal(ptr, _ptr)

//get the actual string
assert.equal(skiplist.getString(b, ptr), 'hello world')

web assembly

there is also an (partial) implemention in webassembly.

implemented so far:

  • find

todo: insert, findString, insertString


a test on 1 millon random integers

insert    3691
find      3015
find.wasm 1625

1.6 seconds to insert 1000000 items, means 615 items per millisecond

storing integers in the skiplist probably isn't very useful. TODO: implement string support in wasm
