

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skewtPlus from '';



Plot a skew-T log-P diagram based on sounding data.

This was forked from:


  • Updated to work with D3 version 5.
  • Interactivity: Set top pressure (zoom), set gradient, toggle maintain temperature range.

I have added the following functionality thanks to Victor Berchet :

  • Added moist adiabats.
  • Added isohumes.
  • Added parcel trajectory.


skewt-js requires D3 JavaScript library.

How to use

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/skewt.css">

<script src=""></script>
<script src="dist/bundle.js"></script>

Ensure you create a div using a specified id (ex: id="mySkewt") and class = "skew-t"

<div id="mySkewt" class="skew-t"></div>

Declare a new SkewT var passing the css selector for the placeholder.

    var skewt = new SkewT('#mySkewt' , options);

SkewT currently only contains methods:


.plot(array, options) will plot dew point and air temperature lines and wind barbs. options is optional.

Available options: {add:true} to add a plotline, else the current ones will be cleared. If {add:true, select:true}, then the added plot line will be highlighted.

  var skewt = new SkewT('#mySkewt');
  var sounding = [];

Expected array format should follow the GSD Sounding Format.

        "press": 1000.0,  // pressure in whole millibars
        "hght": 173.0,    // height in meters (m)
        "temp": 14.1,     // temperature in degrees Celsius
        "dwpt": 6.5,      // dew point temperature in degree Celsius
        "wdir": 8.0,      // wind direction in degrees
        "wspd": 6.173     // wind speed in meters per second (m/s)
    }, {
        "press": 975.0,
        "hght": 386.0,
        "temp": 12.1,
        "dwpt": 5.6,
        "wdir": 10.0,
        "wspd": 7.716


.clear() will clear the previous plot lines and wind barbs.

Select a skewt plot

.selectSkewt( array_previously_sent_with_plot ) to highlight a plot lines. The tooltips will then display info from this line.