
A sketch module to help tracking events with Google Analytics

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sketchModuleGoogleAnalytics from '';


Google Analytics for Sketch plugin

Module to add some analytics to your Sketch plugin. It respects the Sketch privacy settings of the users so you don't have to worry about it.


npm install --save sketch-module-google-analytics


const track = require("sketch-module-google-analytics");

track(trackingId, hitType, payload, options);


  • trackingId is the tracking ID / web property ID. The format is UA-XXXX-Y. All collected data is associated by this ID.
  • hitType is the type of hit. Must be one of 'pageview', 'screenview', 'event', 'transaction', 'item', 'social', 'exception', 'timing'.
  • payload (optional) is an object representing the additional properties you want to track. Depending on the hitType, some might be required.
  • options (optional) (see #Debugging).


const track = require("sketch-module-google-analytics");

track("UA-XXXX-Y", "event", {
  ec: "command", // the event category
  ea: "start", // the event action
  ev: "my-command" // the event value

Properties documentation

For more information about the properties you can use, check the google analytics documentation.

The module already sets some for you:

  • Protocol Version (v)
  • Tracking ID / Web Property ID (tid)
  • Data Source (ds) (example: Sketch 53.2)
  • Client ID (cid)
  • Cache Buster (z)
  • Hit Type (t)
  • Application Name (an) (which is the name of your plugin)
  • Application ID (aid) (which is the identifier of your plugin)
  • Application Version (av) (which is the version of your plugin)


By default, sketch-module-google-analytics doesn't return any information whether the call has been successful or not.

You can set the debug option to get feedback in case your hits are not showing in the Google Analytics dashboard:

const result = track("UA-XXXX-Y", "event", {}, { debug: true });

Important: hits sent with the debug options will not show up in reports. They are for debugging only.
