
A Sketch plugin to automagically organise and clean up your Sketch document

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sketchCleanDocument from '';


Clean Document npm Version

A Sketch plugin to automagically organise and clean up your Sketch document

Clean Layers


Clean Layers

  • Deletes hidden layers
  • Unnests nested groups
  • Rounds layer edges to the nearest pixel
  • Smart rename layers
  • Operates on layers in the selection, or on layers on the current page if the selection is empty
  • Skips processing of certain layers that match a whitelist regular expression

Clean Symbols

  • Deletes unused symbol masters
  • Organises the Symbol page

Clean Styles

  • Deletes unused text styles and layer styles

Clean Pages

  • Deletes empty pages
  • Sorts the pages in alphabetical order

Clean Document

  • Executes the above four commands on all layers, all symbols, all text styles and layer styles, and all pages in the current document


  1. Download and unzip the latest release
  2. Double-click Clean Document.sketchplugin to install
