An ES6 skeleton project for creating react components packaged with npm Based on this project
Technology Stack:
- react
- mocha
Clone the repo as a new project:
git clone <shiny-new-project>
Start Server:
cd shiny-new-project
npm i
npm start
Run App:
npm start command automatically initiate browser at 3000 port
Run tests:
cd shiny-new-project
npm i
npm test
Find Code Coverage:
### Developer Notes:
Make sure you configure your editor/IDE to use:
.editorconfig .eslintrc
### TODO:
1. Add a 'hello world' component (Daffodil)
1. Add a 'hello world' component test (Daffodil)
1. Add `webpack` or `gulp` with `browserSync` (Daffodil)
1. Add an entry point index.html (Daffodil)
1. Configure `npm start` to launch web server and serve hello world component (Daffodil)
1. Create Jenkins build pipeline to run tests and build npm package (Cam)
Note: [this repo]( looks like it has most of what we need