
A sketch module for creating an complex UI with a webview(configurable titlebar)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skSketchWebview from '';



A Sketch module for creating a complex UI with a webview.


To use this module in your Sketch plugin you need a bundler utility like skpm and add it as a dependency:

npm i -S sketch-module-web-view


import WebUI from 'sketch-module-web-view'

const options = {
  identifier: '', // to reuse the UI
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  width: 240,
  height: 180,
  background: NSColor.whiteColor(),
  blurredBackground: false,
  onlyShowCloseButton: false,
  title: 'My ui',
  hideTitleBar: false,
  shouldKeepAround: true,
  resizable: false,
  frameLoadDelegate: { //
    'webView:didFinishLoadForFrame:': function (webView, webFrame) {
      context.document.showMessage('UI loaded!')
  uiDelegate: {}, //
  onPanelClose: function () {
    // Stuff
    // return `false` to prevent closing the panel

const webUI = new WebUI(context, require('./my-screen.html'), options)

Communicating with the webview

Executing JS on the webview from the plugin

const res = webUI.eval('someJSFunction()')

Executing JS on the webview from the another plugin or command

import { isWebviewPresent, sendToWebview } from 'sketch-module-web-view/remote'

if (isWebviewPresent('')) {
  sendToWebview('', 'someJSFunction()')

Executing JS in the plugin from the webview

On the plugin:

options.handlers = {
  nativeLog: function (s) {

On the webview:

import pluginCall from 'sketch-module-web-view/client'

pluginCall('nativeLog', 'Called from the webview')

⚠️ When using options.handlers, the webView:didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame: method of the frameLoadDelegate will be overwritten.

⚠️ When calling pluginCall, the window.location.hash will be modified.

Inspecting the WebView

If your plugin is using a webview, chances are that you will need to inspect it at some point.

To do so, you need to add the preference:

defaults write com.bohemiancoding.sketch3 WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true

Then you can simply right-click on your webview and click on Inspect. The inspector should show up.